Breast augmentation and tummy tuck

Combining Breast Augmentation with a Tummy Tuck VS. having them done separately

Cosmetic Surgery should be done in healthy people with realistic expectations. Most Tummy Tuck / Breasts Augmentation (ie “Mommy Makeover”) procedures are done together. Performing this combination of procedures does not excessively prolong the recovery and is usually cheaper to lower anesthesia and surgical charges.

However, there is NO reason why the operations cannot be done separately in staged fashion. It all depends on you and your surgeon’s preference. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Timing of Breast augmentation and tummy tuck

A Breast augmentation and tummy tuck

I personally do not push patients to have both procedure at once. The recuperation is longer and, frankly, in this economy, many patients simply cannot afford the combined procedure. If you separate the procedures, it has the advantage of allowing you to determine what implant size fits best with your new, tight abdomen.

I recommend waiting a minimum of 6 weeks, in terms of recuperating from the anesthesia, or more if your abdomen is still swollen. The financial difference in separating the procedures is probably around $1000 so it is really a matter of your own comfort level.

Breast augmentation and tummy tuck surgery

If you have never undergone surgery and are apprehensive about recuperation, child care or time off from work, then separating the procedures is entirely reasonable. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

In most cases, I preform tummy tuck and breast augmentation surgery at the same time. If a patient is in good health, combining the procedures would save them both recovery time and reduce the cost. If a patient is in less than ideal health or the tummy tuck is particularly large, one may want to consider preforming the procedures separately. If so, I would suggest waiting at least 6 to 12 weeks between the two surgeries. (Vincent D. Lepore, MD, San Jose Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck and breast augmentation together or separately?

The breast augmentation and tummy tuck

The two procedures are routinely performed together because it saves you an extra anesthetic and separate recovery. No compelling reason I can think of to break these up into two procedures, unless insurance is covering one, but not the other. Still, would find a way to fit into same anesthetic. (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

There are pros/cons of doing breast and tummy tuck surgery together versus separately. Generally speaking, I think the advantages of doing the procedures together outweigh the advantages of doing them separately assuming: you are in good health, that the procedure is being performed by a well experienced board-certified plastic surgeon, that the procedures being performed in a fully accredited surgery centers/hospital environment, and that the anesthesia is being provided by a board-certified anesthesiologist. If you do choose to perform the operations separately, I would suggest that you wait at least one to 2 months in between. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Separating tummy tuck and breast augmentation

Breast augmentation and tummy tuck together

I routinely do these operations together, so understanding why you are separating them would help us advise you. My advice would be all things equal, if you are doing them separately-do the tummy tuck first-it takes a little longer to heal and wait at least six weeks to heal before doing the augmentation. (Vishnu Rumalla, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck and Breast Augmentation Together

I recommend, and my patients generally prefer, having breast augmentation and tummy tuck performed at the same setting under one anesthesia with one recovery time for both. That being said, if for some reason, either for medical reasons or due to the individual patient’s desires, I recommend having the tummy tuck first and waiting three months before having the breast augmentation.  (L. Dwight Baker, MD, Dothan Plastic Surgeon)