Endoscopic tummy tuck

Endoscopic tummy tuck

Medical reasons for endoscopic tummy tuck

Endoscopic procedures have advantages: the scars are very small and inconspicuous, lower risk of complications, as during surgery, and after it, easier and shorter course of the postoperative period, minimal hospital stay.

Advantages and disadvantages of endoscopic tummy tuck

Endoscopic tummy tuck is suitable for patients who have a weakened abdominal muscles, but at the same time sufficiently elastic skin of the abdominal wall. This technique of abdominoplasty allows to tighten slack abdominal muscles, without resorting to the traditional wide skin incision.

The main advantages of the endoscopic tummy tuck:

Endoscopic abdominoplasty

  • Less traumatic intervention, since not applied long traditional incision.
  • Cosmetically appealing than the traditional abdominoplasty: it is not completely without scarring, but they are quite subtle, because the incisions are usually made in the navel and the pubic area.
  • Lower risk of postoperative complications.
  • Easier recovery period. The wound heals faster and easier, the patient feels less pain, and thus require less pain medication and, finally, less stress to the organism.

Another advantage of the endoscopic tummy tuck is that it can be combined simultaneously with liposuction. The advantage of endoscopic abdominoplasty is that the patient can return to their previous physical activity in 1-2 weeks after surgery, although the first time are advised to avoid heavy physical exertion.

The only drawback of endoscopic tummy tuck, is the inability to tighten the skin in the abdominal wall. That is why it is used in cases when sagging belly appeared because of the weakness and laxity of the abdominal muscles, and not as a result of obesity and the stretched “skin and fat apron” at the bottom.

Endoscopic tummy tuck procedure

Tummy tuck with endoscope

Endoscopic tummy tuck is usually performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the volume of interventions and can last for 1.5-2 hours. Endoscopic abdominoplasty is performed using special equipment – an endoscope. Sense of endoscopic surgery is to conduct all phases of the intervention in two or three small incisions with 1-2 cm long. Special tube inserted through these incisions, and through them, to the area where the tummy tuck is performed, transferred the necessary tools and a small video camera with a light bulb, which allows you to see and control the entire course of the surgery on the monitor screen. After inserting into the abdominal wall of the necessary tubes (trocars), a surgeon with the tools stitches together slack and stretched abdominal muscles.

Liposuction is performed when necessary. Through the same incisions removes any excess fat tissue in the abdominal wall.

Tummy tuck endoscopic

Endoscopic abdominoplasty does not mean that the instruments are inserted into the abdominal cavity. All interventions relate only to the abdominal wall.

Once surgeon will do all the necessary manipulations with the muscles of the abdomen, the tools are removed, and small incisions through which they were introduced, neatly stapled. Sutures are removed in 7-10 days, and if used absorbable sutures, they do not even need to be removed.

Complications of endoscopic tummy tuck

Possible complications of endoscopic tummy tuck: infectious complications; the formation of a hematoma (collection of blood) or seroma (serous fluid) in the tissues.  Such complications as numbness of the abdomen due to the inevitable intersection of small nerve branches in the skin and deep vein thrombosis of tibia, during endoscopic tummy tuck is rare.