How to get an hourglass shape?

What proceedure to get an hourglass shape?

It looks like you are a perfect candidate for a tummy tuck with some liposuction of the flanks.

See a board certified plastic surgeon and discuss your problems and what you want and see examples of their work. Y

ou should have an excellent result. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

From your history and photos it appear that an abdominoplasty along with liposuction of the waist would give you the best result.

How to get an hourglass shape photo

I think that if you are medically healthy you can achieve a very good result. You should consult with a Board Certified PS. (George Lefkovits, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

How to get an hourglass shape?

Based upon your history and provided pictures, to get an hourglass shape – I would recommend a combination of both a full tummy tuck with muscle tightening (abdominoplasty) and liposuction of the waist/flanks/lower back. an examination in person is necessary to fully determine this.

Having performed between 100-200 of this very combination last year (2014), this is a fairly routine combination in our practice each week. Consult with board-certified plastic surgeons that specialize in this, and make certain they only operate in fully-accredited hospitals or surgery centers, and utilize board-certified anesthesiologists. (Joseph D. Alkon, MD, Newark Plastic Surgeon)

How to get an hourglass shape image

Curves: Tummy Tuck and muscle repair

You already have a very nice body frame and that will be a great foundation for an awesome result. You are a wonderful candidate for a Tummy Tuck in order to eliminate the saggy skin on your upper and lower abdomen.

I would highly recommend a tight muscle repair in order to achieve the most beautiful and tapered waist and achieve those curves you want. Some liposuction will help to complete your curvaceous body shape. (Laura Carmina Cardenas, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)