Tummy tuck and lipo

Abdominoplasty and lipo

The combination of tummy tuck and lipo Getting rid of the big belly – the dream of many people. Depending on the desired degree of change, for patient may be showing various embodiments of a correction. If there is excess skin, usually held tummy tuck. In some cases, to achieve the desired result, for the patient can be shown a combining of two surgeries – tummy tuck and lipo.

Variants of combinations of abdominoplasty and lipo are different for each individual patient. At the discretion of plastic surgery, liposuction may be performed prior to abdominoplasty, during or after abdominal plasty. Details of these issues are discussed with a plastic surgeon during the surgery planning.

Lipo before tummy tuck

Tummy tuck surgery and lipo

Lipo before tummy tuck is recommended with considerable thickness of subcutaneous fat layer on the anterior abdominal wall, when the main fat “trap” is along the midline of the abdomen.

In such cases, liposuction of the abdomen, flanks and sides allows reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat layer. Thanks to this the result of subsequent tummy tuck will be more aesthetically appealing. The gap between lipo and tummy tucks further – 3-4 months.

Lipo during tummy tuck

Indication for tummy tuck surgery and lipo

Most often a liposuction of areas near the wound impairs the healing process, it increases the risk of complications. Thus, during lipo an abdominoplasty performed only in some cases.

  • Lipo of wound edges is limited in volume;
  • Lipo of sides and flanks from additional accesses;
  • Moderate lipo of through the wall of the main wound at insignificant exfoliation of skin-fat flaps.

Lipo after tummy tuck

Liposuction after abdominoplasty is fairly rare, as often leads to poor aesthetic result of tummy tuck (promotes relaxation of the skin in the operated area). Liposuction is shown in the case where there is a difference in the thickness of tissue above and below the post-operative scarring. Also, liposuction can be performed to remove tummy tuck dog ears at the extreme points of the scar.

Tummy tuck and lipo

Lipo – a correction of body contours by removing fat: with a vacuum suction through small incisions of the skin is removed local fat deposits, and tummy tuck – a plastic form of the abdomen. For the application of lipo there are certain indications:

Before tummy tuck and lipo

  • Local forms of obesity with violation of body contours (most often in women is observed deformation of thighs, fat deposits on the inner side of the knee joint, fat in the hips, front and side surfaces of the abdomen).
  • Generalized forms of obesity. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment (diet, medical therapy, fitness, etc.) performed lipo to eliminate not only violations of the contours of the body, but also to reduce the weight of the patient. Usually the effect is always better in the case of combined treatment – liposuction, diet and fitness. That is due to the elimination of the huge number of adipocytes – fat cells – and to reduce the fat in the body  is possible to achieve the best effect. In this case, you may need to aesthetic surgery – tummy tuck.
  • Lipoma (benign tumors of adipose tissue). Usually removed tumors with low-density with using of lipo.
  • With other surgeries, such as abdominoplasty, liposuction can be used as an auxiliary method that facilitates the detachment of the subcutaneous fat layer.

Lipo and tummy tuck

Restrictions on the use of liposuction also exist. For example, it does not help in the case of cellulite and stretching. This procedure is necessary perform on an elastic oily skin rather than on lethargic. Surgery is enough painful , therefore certainly use anesthesia. Local anesthesia may be used in the case of small volume surgeries, that is, for local deposits.

General anesthesia is used if needed to remove fat in 3 or more sections on a large area. A tummy tuck requires general anesthesia. The results of liposuction can be evaluated in 2-3 months.

During this period the condition of the tissue to normal, reduced swelling, wound healing occurs. A final result can be assessed only after 6-8 months after surgery. Usually, the result depends on the surgeon’s experience.

Medical reason for tummy tuck and lipo

Sometimes possible postoperative complications, so this should be ready. Among the common complications isolated thromboembolism (blockage of blood vessels clots), anemia (due to extensive surgery is a loss of blood), fat embolism (distribution of fat particles in the blood vessels and plugging of them). The latter is rare and is manifested in the case of joint operations – tummy tuck and liposuction. Local complications include formation of skin contour irregularities and depressions, joining infections, impaired outflow of fluid in the case of surgery of the lower limbs, impaired skin sensation, hemorrhage, necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue in the area of the operation. As for the abdominoplasty, the main consequence become scars. Before surgery in large areas and after it, for patients prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection. In the postoperative period for patients are recommended to wear a special grid or stockings that wrap around and tighten skin at the surgical site, and the case of abdominoplasty – a special bandage. Sutures are removed at 7-10 day.

Scars after liposuction is usually invisible to others by using a special technique the edges of the junction of the skin, but after abdominoplasty they are quite pronounced. Immediately after surgery may arise pain and dysesthesia of the skin in the area of ​​intervention. To get rid of the pain, take narcotic analgesics (Analginum, paracetamol).