Tummy tuck for men

Male tummy tuck

Pumping of abdominals does not make your stomach such you want to see it? If you have too much fat or skin on the abdomen, which are not reduced through diet or exercise, you may need to do an abdominoplasty, commonly called tummy tuck for men (male tummy tuck).

This procedure will make your stomach flat, by removing excess fat and skin, and strengthens the muscles of the abdominal wall. But beware: it’s a big operation, so if you are considering this option, find out more about the procedure, carefully analyze your situation and do not rush to make the final decision.

A tummy tuck is done as a last resort for those men who have tried all other ways, and this procedure should not be performed as an alternative to weight loss.

Who should do a male tummy tuck?

After male Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck can do men who have good general health. Do not confuse this procedure with liposuction (cosmetic surgery, which is used to remove fat deposits), although surgeons can carry out liposuction as part of a tummy tuck procedure.

A tummy tuck is a good option for men who were once obese, and who still have the fat or excess skin in the abdominal area.

Dermal-fat deformation caused mainly excess fat, is an indication for the use of male abdominoplasty. You can determine such deformation with using the so-called “test diver.” One has to stand in a pose of diver, i.e. with half-bent back, raise your hands up and appreciate the bulging fat in the mid-lower abdomen. If it proves to be significant, then it is a telltale sign that there are indications for surgery. Excess skin is grasping with the fingers barely with this kind of deformation, and the entire abdomen looks like strenuous hemisphere. The skin may have stored elasticity and firmness. Such deformation is very common among men.

Women who have stretched muscles and skin due to numerous pregnancies, this procedure can help by strengthening the muscles and remove excess skin. A tummy tuck is a good option for men and women who once were fat, and who still have the fat or excess skin in the stomach area.

Who should not carry out a tummy tuck?

Male tummy tuck

Before tummy tuck

First, candidates for abdominoplasty must be generally healthy. They must be no active disease, as well as serious diseases in history. It is also very important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the operation. Prior consultation with the surgeon will allow the patient to understand what to expect from abdominoplasty, and adequately assess future costs – not only financial but also temporal, physical and psychological.

Emotional stability is very important for male candidates for abdominoplasty. This operation requires patience and consistency, to cope with the difficulties of the recovery period, and during this period the majority of patients are difficult. A well-known problem among surgeons is postoperative depression, which may have serious consequences especially in men who had emotional problems before the operation. In any case can not be underestimated the seriousness of this problem, in deciding whether do or not to do tummy tuck.

The ideal candidate for abdominoplasty has a very elastic skin – or, at least, sufficiently elastic for such operation that it is be meaningful at all.

Are you plan to lose weight much?

Then, you do not need to do a tummy tuck for men. It should be noted that a tummy tuck can cause prominent permanent scars. If you do not want this, you can change your mind. Your doctor will discuss with you all of these options on the preliminary consultation.

1 week post op before jp drains came out

How passes a tummy tuck operation for men

Depending on the desired results, this operation can take from one to four hours. The complexity of your situation will determine whether the procedure is performed in a hospital or outpatient clinic.

You will have general anesthesia, and you’ll sleep through the entire operation. Need someone to drive you home. If you live alone, you need to have someone stay with you at least for the night after surgery.

There are two variants of a male tummy tuck. You and your surgeon will discuss the desired outcome, and he or she will determine which procedure is right for your situation.

Male tummy tuck scar photo

Full male abdominoplasty. Your stomach will be cut from hipbone to hipbone during this procedure, which is suitable for those patients who need the highest correction. An incision is made at the bottom, approximately at the level of the line of pubic hair growth. Then, your surgeon will manipulate, and will give the desired shape of your skin, tissue and muscles. If you do this procedure, your belly button will have a new opening because necessary to free the navel from surrounding tissue. Drainage tubes are placed under the skin and will be removed in a few days when the surgeon sees fit.

Partial or mini-abdominoplasty for men. Mini-abdominoplasty is often performed for patients whose fat deposits are located below the navel and require shorter cut. During this procedure, the navel will not move. Your skin will be separated between the section line and the navel. This type of surgery can also be performed with an endoscope (small camera on the end of the tube). This procedure can take only two hours, depending on the complexity of your situation and your requirements.

How to prepare for surgery tummy tuck for men

If you smoke, you must quit smoking for a certain period, according to the recommendations doctor. Not enough to simply reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. You must completely stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery and not to smoke even after two weeks. Smoking can increase the risk of complications and slow the healing process.

Make sure you eat a well-balanced diet in sufficient quantity, do not try to diet before surgery. Adequate nutrition plays a major role in the healing process.

If you are taking certain medications, your surgeon may instruct you about the termination of their use for a certain period of time before and after surgery. Your surgeon will determine this during the preoperative consultation.

Before the surgery, you have to prepare the house for the post-operative care. In the house should be:

  • Lots of ice packs
  • Free and comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take
  • Vaseline for the incision
  • Phone within easy reach
  • Chair for the bath and shower, which you can hold in hand
  • You know yourself better, so make sure that you are organized preoperative home safety and comfort necessary for you.

What are the complications and side effects associated with an operation on a tummy tuck for men?

After surgery, you will experience pain, and you will have swelling. Your doctor may prescribe painkillers if needed, and he will instruct you how to best cope with the pain. Soreness may last several weeks or months. And I understand that one day everything will go. You are may also experience numbness, bruising and general fatigue may occur for a certain period of time.

Not only women, but men look for plastic surgery for tummy tuck. As a rule, women are looking for ways to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. This is especially true after pregnancy and childbirth, after weight loss, when the skin of the anterior abdominal wall become ugly. It would seem, abdominoplasty surgery is exclusively female procedure, but by the example, we show that it is not.

Man was very full, even fat. With the growth of 6.06 feet it weighs at about 352 pounds. At 40 years man has realized that he can not go on living with excess weight. Because unhealthy diet, physical inactivity lead to more obesity, diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

We must pay tribute to his willpower. Man could radically change your life. Regular exercise and bodybuilding, rational hormonal therapy (testosterone) have led to brilliant results.

Aesthetic result of tummy tuck for men always magnificent when tummy tuck is performed on the slim and fit body. This operation should be performed in patients after weight loss due to sporting loads of testosterone treatment (for men), for women after childbirth, and after weight loss as a result of operations performed by banding or gastric bypass surgery, when the skin of the abdomen is not reduced and sags. In these cases, the operation is easily tolerated, postoperative complications are rare.

We wish our men to be always healthy and beautiful!

Tummy tuck for men

Tummy tuck for men before and after

Tummy tuck for men