Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that helps you get rid of excess belly fat. Surgeons cut off excess skin and fat will be removed from the lower, middle and upper abdomen. This will make your stomach more resilient and attractive. Operation involves the removal of a skin and fat apron and reducing the waist. Tummy tuck will make your belly flat and fit. Typically, a tummy tuck is used because of sagging skin after pregnancy or after significant weight loss, and abdominal hernia. You get rid of excess skin and subcutaneous fat by liposuction and conducting complex procedures aimed at toning of abdominal muscles.

Tummy tuck before and after

Indications for surgical treatment:

  • pendulous abdomen, which appeared as a result of weight loss, with age or hormonal changes in the body, or after pregnancy;
  • decrease in elasticity of the abdominal muscles and their divergence (epigastrocele abdomen);
  • unsightly appearance of the abdomen, caused by the presence of postoperative scars;
  • abdominal hernia.

Besides indications, it is worth mentioning about the constraints under which tummy tuck is not carried out:

  • tummy tuck is not carried out for a woman who is planning to have a baby. Because the results obtained in the course of the operation, after the birth will be completely lost. Therefore it is better to plan a tummy tuck after giving birth;
  • the weight must be stable, as with weight loss after surgery may appear excess skin;
  • chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity III-IV degree, cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

Tummy tuck

The conditions necessary for a successful tummy tuck

The basic condition for a successful conduct of any kind of plastic surgery, including abdominoplasty, is the absence of any disease immediately before the operation (this also applies to respiratory diseases). At the preparatory stage before the operation, not less than 10 days, you need to stop taking any medications that thin the blood. You should also refrain from smoking for at least 10 days prior to surgery, and a month and a half after the operation. Immediately prior to surgery (two days before) you must also restrict calorie intake and drink plenty of fluids. On the day of surgery, you can not eat and drink.

Tummy tuck

What does tummy tuck include?

A tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin, fat, scars and stretch marks that are below the navel. Also is strengthened the muscle corset. The most commonly used lifting of lower or horizontal access in skinfold above the pubis. In some cases, performed additional scar around the navel. Duration of surgery may constitute up to three hours.
Phase recovery after surgery.

After surgery, the doctor prescribe to patient painkillers, antibiotics and the patient is in a semi-sitting position on the bed. During the first 24 hours of the postoperative period, bed rest is mandatory. You will be able to stand up no earlier than the second day under the strict supervision of the medical staff of the clinic. First 4-6 weeks after surgery is necessary to constantly wear a bandage and use compression underwear.

Tummy tuck before and after

The first time after a tummy tuck, the sensitivity varies around the navel. It will be recovered within two months. Side effects are considered as undesirable effects after surgery for a tummy tuck. Level of side effects can be expressed by individual patient characteristics (thickness of fat, weight, hidden disease processes in the body, smoking). Standard postoperative complications are considered malaise, pain during movement, swelling of the skin. They continue for 2-3 weeks. Then they gradually are minimized and completely disappear after 2-3 months.

For today the tummy tuck guarantees good results for patients who have a weakened abdominal muscles or apron from skin and fat. The end result of the operation can only be evaluated after six months. Largely the result will depend not only on the professionalism of the surgeon, but also on the individual patient, as well as compliance with all the doctor’s recommendations. We recommend that you apply to surgeons who have years of experience in performing of tummy tuck surgery. Tummy tuck is one of the most frequent operations, as each second woman needs tummy tuck after the birth of the child.

Tummy tuck cost

Tummy tuck prices are in the range of 3 thousand dollars to 20 thousand dollars and depend on individual patient characteristics, methods, complexity and scope of surgery. Cost of anesthesia is calculated separately. Exact cost you can find out only after consultation with the surgeon.

What medications are needed after tummy tuck