Extended tummy tuck

Should I consider an extended tummy tuck for the best results?

I agree that a tummy tuck with liposuction of the hip area would give you a very nice result.

I don’t think that extending the scar will give you any additional benefit based on your body shape in the pictures. (Donald Griffin, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck or extended tummy tuck

Your photo suggests that a standard tummy tuck with flank liposuction may be the answer. But it doesn’t show the loose skin – which may be there. Photos don’t show everything.

Extended tummy tuck surgery

An exam is needed to see if the surgery needs to be extended to tighten the flanks, as well as de-fat them. Always consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Extended tummy tuck

I don’t see that you need an extended tummy tuck. Liposuction to your flanks can help contour your lower back/hips, and the standard tummy tuck combined with it will give you a great result. (Chad Robbins, MD, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

I would recommend a standard tummy tuck and liposuction of the flanks. I do not think an extended tummy tuck is indicated, however, that opinion may change after an examination. It is true that the skin of the flanks is thicker than tummy skin and usually retracts quite well after liposuction. I use Vaser ultrasonic liposuction techniques which do help the skin retract even more.

The extended tummy tuck

Extended tummy tuck operation

The tummy tuck would give you a scar in the bikini area and a belly button scar that would fade over several years and be well hidden in a bathing suit. You may want to also consider liposuction to the outer thighs at the same time.

This seems to give better proportion to the back side especially if you are going to have liposuction to the flanks. (Robert J. Spies, MD, Paradise Valley Plastic Surgeon)

Extended tummy tuck not necessary.

I don’t think you need an extended abdominoplasty. You should get a good result from a standard operation with liposuction of the waist. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Do You Do Need an Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended tummy tuck

The difference between and extended tummy tuck and standard tummy tuck is not defined. Every tummy tuck needs to be tailored to the needs of the patient, in order to get the best results. This needs to be determined by your plastic surgeon, Board-Certified in Plastic Surgery, in the planning phase, or even perhaps during surgery.

Much of the skin can be tightened in a direction toward the midline to produce a very nice result with a slightly shortened scar. If you need a longer scar for any reason, it is almost always worth the improved results over the concern of a longer, usually well hidden scar. (Ira H. Rex lll, MD, Fall River Plastic Surgeon)