How to fix loose skin

Full or mini tummy tuck

The photo is not adequate to make an accurate evaluation. It does seem that you have stretch marks above your belly button. I would recommend that you see a plastic surgeon so he can examine you and make a more accurate plan of care. (John Sampson, MD, Jackson Plastic Surgeon)

Mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck?

There are a variety of tummy tucks that can produce a good cosmetic result in the appropriate patient: a mini tummy tuck, a modified with an umbilical float, or a variety of a full abdominoplasty, all of which may, or may not, include tightening of the muscle and liposuction.

How to fix loose skin answer

Generally if there is significant loose skin above the umbilicus (belly button), which there appears to be on your photo, a full tummy tuck will result in a greater correction and better outcome.

The lower stretch marks will be removed with a tummy tuck and the upper ones brought to a lower position where they will be less obvious. While there are many nonsurgical procedures that are claimed to get rid of stretch marks, most ethical knowledgeable plastic surgeons will tell you that they have limited if any benefit, are unreliable, and not a satisfactory option in your particular situation. If you are planning to have additional children, it is best to delay having a tummy tuck until you are finished with your pregnancies.

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Keep in mind that following the advice from a surgeon on this or any other website who proposes to tell you what to do based on limited two dimensional photos without examining you, physically feeling the tissue, assessing your desired outcome, taking a full medical history, and discussing the pros and cons of each operative procedure would not be in your best interest.

I would suggest you find a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and ideally a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) that you trust and are comfortable with. You should discuss your concerns with that surgeon in person. (Robert Singer, MD, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)

The laxity in your abdominal wall would require a full tummy tuck for optimal results. (Emily J. Kirby, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)

Mini or full tummy tuck

How to fix loose skin photo

The photos shows you have some excess skin above the belly button. In my experience, a full tummy tuck will address this better. If you have widening and weakness of the abdominal wall muscle, a full tummy tuck will give better access to tightening the muscle.(Jake Lim, MBBS, FRACS, Sydney Plastic Surgeon)

Mini tummy tuck?

Unfortunately, a mini-tuck will be not effective. You need a full abdominoplasty but keep in mind that there is a continuum in terms of what can be done, placement of the scar, length of the scar, etc. Mini-tuck is discussed all the time on this forum and, while it sounds attractive (easier recuperation and easier on the pocketbook!), it isn’t right for at least 90% of patients.

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The best way to determine precisely what surgery is appropriate for you is to see a board certified plastic surgeon in consultation. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Your excess skin will be removed, muscles tightened. For a more accurate assessment – make sure to set up an appointment with an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

A full tummy tuck is needed to remove your loose skin and stretch marks

From your photograph it appears that a mini tummy tuck will not be the optimal procedure for you. You will need a full tummy tuck to tighten loose skin above the belly button and removed stretch marks below the level of your belly button. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Full vs mini tummy tuck

Question how to fix loose skin

I believe you need to decide if you want the area above your belly button improved. The mini will improve the lower abdomen but not your upper abdomen. You look like your belly button is high so without an examination it is difficult to tell if you will not need a small vertical scar above the usual TT scar.

There are modifications of the two procedures, what I call a modified, which may also be able to be performed. I would recommend you see a board certified plastic surgeon in your area for a consultation. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)

Mini tummy tuck vs full tummy tuck

So how to fix loose skin

Because you have skin looseness above the belly button, There are however may in-between tummy tucks, not just mini tummy tucks and full tummy tucks.In your case there may be a technique to keep your incision low and still removing a significant amount of skin from both above and below the belly button. However a conventional mini tummy tuck wouldn’t tighten either the fascia above your belly button or the loose skin above the belly button, so wouldn’t be a good choice. (Brent Moelleken, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Full tummy tuck

From your pic it looks like a full tummy tuck would give you a better result. You seem to have a fair amount of excess skin and this would not be completely removed with a mini-tummy tuck. (Adam Saad, MD, Atlantic City Plastic Surgeon)

Would a mini tummy tuck fix my saggy skin and stretch marks?

A tummy tuck will yield a better result that a mini tummy tuck with skin laxity to the level of the belly button and higher. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)