Tummy tuck after weight loss cost

The best results seen with Tummy Tucks are in women whose BMI ‘s are under 30 and as close to 25 as possible.

If your weight has been stable and is in this range you should be able to look forward to a nice result with your Tummy Tuck.

If your weight is significantly higher and your BMI is in the mid to high 30’s, you are better off losing the weight GRADUALLY with diet and exercise and having your surgery when it is below 30.

However, trying to lose weight JUST before a Tummy tuck is similar to finally brushing your teeth just before seeing a dentist. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Ideally, prior to having your tummy tuck you should be near your ideal body weight which can be calculated through your body mass index.

The tummy tuck after weight loss cost

Losing excess weight will definitely add to the overall result. I recommend discussing this question with your plastic surgeon so that you may formulate a plan for optimal results. (Glenn Vallecillos, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Optimize weight before body contouring surgery

The most important reason to be close to an ideal weight before having a tummy tuck is safety. Since it is elective surgery, the risk/benefit ratio has to strongly tilt in favor of the benefit.

The risk of wound healing problems and serious (but fortunately rare) problems such as pulmonary embolism are higher in overweight patients. Plus you will get a better result. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Weight loss before tummy tuck

Tummy tuck after weight loss cost photo

Read all my other answers regarding body-contouring procedures and weight. You should be in a healthy, stable lifestyle. That means as fit as you can be with regard to exercise, activities level, and diet and habits. Each person will have different weights at that lifestyle. Of course this means that a surgery will need to be customized to your anatomy and that you may pr may not be a good candidate at the time. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure

A tummy tuck is not a procedure that will give you weight loss. Most patients may lose 3 to 5 pounds after a tummy tuck. If you are too far from your ideal body weight, it may be best to try weight loss first. A consultation would be the best first step as there are no absolutes. (Francisco Canales, MD, Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon)

Weight loss prior to Tummy Tuck.

Tummy tuck surgery after weight loss cost

A tummy tuck is not a procedure for weight reduction. The results may be best appreciated in a patient closest to their ideal body weight. Patients with extra stretched-out skin and muscle laxity with mild fat deposits are better candidates then those with larger fat rolls in general. (Stephen Delia, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

You are asking if you should loose weight before a tummy tuck. Without any photos, height and weight information it is impossible to answer your question. In general, for best results you should be or close to your ideal body weight. (George Marosan, MD, Bellevue Plastic Surgeon)

The cost of tummy tuck after weight loss is about 7000 $ US dollars.