Tummy tuck and tattoo

Tattoo and Tummy Tuck

Your tattoo is located at the very outer border of where a tummy tuck scar usually ends. I doubt that the tattoo would be affected but it would be difficult to tell without an examination to see where the skin pulls at that point.

Worst case scenario, it might distort the tattoo a little bit or, if the scar actually extended into the tattoo itself, you might have to get a little touch-up to the tattoo later. (Edwin C. Pound, III, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Your tattoo is located on your side and can be avoided. It may stretch and give it character but I believe it can be preserved. (Timothy Fee, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)

Tattoo on lateral torso

Tummy tuck and tattoo cover ups

Because of the location of your tattoo, I think it would not be bothered at all. Probably just stretch it down a bit. (Laura Carmina Cardenas, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck and tattoo

A tummy tuck will likely not remove any part of a rib cage tattoo, but it may stretch the bottom part of it forward a little. If you really want the tummy tuck, I don’t think your tattoo should prevent you from doing it. (Dana Goldberg, MD, Jupiter Plastic Surgeon)

Would getting a tummy tuck mess up my tattoo?

I do not believe that you tattoo will be partially removed – it might only stretch forward. Seek an in person consultation with an experienced Board Certified PS. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Lateral tension abdominoplasty tummy tuck

Based on the limited view, I do not believe a lateral tension abdominoplasty tummy tuck would alter your tattoo. You would need to be examined for precise recommendations. (Kevin Tehrani, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)