Types of tummy tuck incisions

What type of tummy tuck incisions?

I always recommend a detailed in person consultation to create your customized surgical plan.

From your photograph it appears that a full tummy tuck will give you the ideal aesthetic and functional results.

This will allow for full correction of your Abdominal Bulge (Rectus Diastasis) and to remove any lax/stretched skin.

Make sure to seek out a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. (John G. Apostolides, MD, FACS, La Jolla Plastic Surgeon)

Full/mini incisions or nothing at all?

Types of tummy tuck incisions before photo

It’s difficult to accurately determine exactly the amount of skin that will be removed during surgery. However, with all of the looseness above your belly button- it’s prob likely that you have enough for a full abdominoplasty ( tummy tuck).

The mini -in my opinion- has very limited benefit – and does not address the skin above the belly button. I would then say – full tummy tuck – muscle repair – umbilical hernia repair- all at the same time – by a Board Certified PS with extensive experience. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Full TT incision

Sound like you need muscle plication. That is better done with a full tummy tuck. (Mats Hagstrom, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Types of tummy tuck incisions image

From your photos and history, I believe you would be a better candidate for a full rather than a mini tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck would not adequately address the loose skin above the belly button or the muscle separation. With regard as to whether you should have a surgery at all, only you can make that determination. Seek out a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive tummy tuck experience to help you decide which course is in your best interest. (Vincent D. Lepore, MD, San Jose Plastic Surgeon)

Full tummy tuck incision

Based on your pictures and your described problems, a full tummy tuck could help you with the excess sagging skin and the separation of your muscles. Please see a board certified PS who can examine you and go over your options. (Anh Lee, MD, El Paso Plastic Surgeon)