Name: 2Young Clinic
Display name: 2Young Clinic
Phone: +886 2 2393 2388
Address: 4th Fl., No. 72, Section 2, Xinyi Rd., Daan District, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 106
City: Taipei
State: Taipei
Country code: TW
Postal code: 106
Phone: +886223932388
Neighborhood: East Gate
Country: Taiwan
GPS coordinates on map: 25.0342653,121.5263294
- FUE Hair Transplant
- Hair Transplant
- Rhinoplasty
RealSelf Info
Profile created: May 23, 2023
Profile modified: May 23, 2023
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Ray-Hong (Grace) Chang, MD
Name: Ray-Hong (Grace) Chang, MD
Statement: Dr. Grace Chang (Ray-Hong) is a Board-Certified Surgeon in Taipei Taiwan, specializing in Facial Cosmetic Surgeries & Procedures. She is well-known for Rhinoplasty, Hair Transplant, Blepharoplasty, Fat Grafting, Forehead Lift. She is fluent in both English & Chinese, and takes time to understand every patient needs during consultations.
“As a surgeon, my responsibility is more than just advancing my professional knowhow. Empathy is the foundation of my medical practice, to make sure that every patient is well-taken care of, even after treatments.” -Dr. Grace Chang-
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2006
Last updated on 12/14/2023