Gain weight after tummy tuck surgery

Aargh not impressed! Prior to my tummy tuck I weighed 66 kilos! 3 weeks before my tummy tuck surgeon took out most of my fill in my lap band! So with all the stress prior I put on a few kilos and went up to 70 kg! I wasn’t to concerned as I was told that most people don’t eat to much after TT and then I would have my band re filled and can work off the extra KGs once I was able to ! So day of my surgery I was 71 kg, and I know that with swelling not to expect to walk out with lots of weight off but Ever since day 4 PO after tummy tuck I’ve been sooo hungry ! And I jumped on the scales at my PO appointment yesterday and I was 75kg!!! my surgeon said don’t worry to much as weight can really fluctuate but I’m almost 10 KGs heavier than what I’ve ever weighed in the last 6 years and it’s seriously depressing !!! I know I’m probably being hard on my self but I can not wait to be able till my surgeon re fills my band and I can start exercising !!