Tummy tuck scars
I have been in practice for over 26 years and performed well over a thousand tummy tucks.
I have never used the Fleur de lis incisions. It is realy un-necessary. Like the first commenting doctor, I believe that all tumy tucks can be done very succesfully using the lower abdomen horizontal incision only , including those after significant weight loss.
Consult with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon who has lots of experience with tummy tucks and does not use the unattractive scars of Fleur de lis. Check the before and after pictures to make sure that you like the results. (Shlomo Widder, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)
I Have Loose Skin on my Stomach, Any Other Options For Placement of Scars other than Fleur De Lis?
Without a physical exam, or at least a picture, it is hard to give specific answers. However, in the right patient, a vertical scar is worth the trade-off of removing more loose skin (see the link below)
The other option in a standard tummy tuck incision, then consider doing the vertical incision later if you want better results. In some cases, the vertical incision can be done on the sides but not at the same time as the tummy tuck. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Conspicuous Scars
I never make a fleur de lis incision unless the patient already has a midline abdominal scar. I believe that a lower body lift and if you need it ( no Photo to tell) an upper body lift with liposuction, again if you need it,will give you an excellent result. Certainly adding the vertical incision allows one to be more aggressive, but as you say the trade off is the scar. (Peter Fisher, MD, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)
Fleur de lis abdominoplasty
Unfortunately there are no other places to put the scar if a vertical component is necessary. I always counsel my patients that have had massive weight loss and resulting severe skin excess that I would add the vertical component (fleur de lis tummy tuck) to the scar pattern only if they insisted on being as tight as possible and wanted as narrow a waist line as possible.
There are limitations with how tight one can make the abdominal skin with abdominoplasty or body lift alone, depending on how much skin excess there is. So ultimately the decision lies with the patient once they’ve been properly educated as to what results can be achieved with each of the procedures. (David Cangello, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck question
I would consider a body lift. This procedure does a better job of redistributing the skin excess. It may the best option for you. Please seek out a board certified plastic surgeon who does this procedure. (Gregory Lynam, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)
Loose skin on stomach
I do not like to perform the fleur de lis pattern. Some surgeons do. I believe that the extra skin can be removed on most people without the vertical scar. I would suggest you consider getting another opinion, just for you to cover all bases with another board certified plastic surgeon in your area. (Rick Rosen, MD, Norwalk Plastic Surgeon)