No scar after tummy tuck

How long before the scar of TT is less noticeable?

You do need some type of tummy tuck be it a modified or complete.

Most scars fade in one to two years depending on skin color and the tightness of the repair.

There are some effective scar treatments that really help such as Embrace.

If you do the procedure, ask your doctor about this product. (Robert J. Spies, MD, Paradise Valley Plastic Surgeon)

No Tummy Tuck Scar after surgery

Can i have no scar after tummy tuck pictures

Can i have no scar after tummy tuck pictures

The scar matures differently in different people. Scars are completely healed and have their best appearance a year after surgery. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction vs Tummy Tuck No scar After

I would not recommend liposuction to address your concerns. It appears that you have skin laxity (loose skin), particularly of your lower abdomen.

Liposuction would reduce the amount of fatty tissue, but it depends on skin contraction or tightening over time to improve contour. Given the appearance of your skin tone pre-operatively, it likely would not contract over time and liposuction may actually increase the appearance of loose skin on your abdomen. It also would not improve the appearance of stretch marks.Abdominoplasty may be an option for you to discuss with a local plastic surgeon in consultation. The scar is initially immature and appears pink. Final scar maturation occurs by one year post-operatively; that being said, it often becomes less noticeable over a few months. (Stephanie Power, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Scarring following tummy tuck

Scars heal differently on individual patients but all scars eventually lighten. I would say that with your skin tone, the scars will lighten and be less noticeable a year following a tummy tuck. (Christopher J. Morea, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)