Tummy tuck after 6 pregnancies
You appear to be an excellent candidate for a tummy tuck. Glad you are psyched up about having surgery. Tummy tucks are life changing in terms of self image and appearance!
I don’t see any dilemma here. Your stretch marks below the umbilicus will be removed and those above improved.
See a board certified plastic surgeon for a consultation to learn more specifics about the procedure! (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
It appears that you are an excellent candidate for a full tummy tuck. This would address the laxity of the muscle/ fascia layer of the abdomen, and would remove all that extra skin.
An important issue would be whether you are planning to have any more children – you should wait until you are done before considering going ahead with a tummy tuck. (Wilfred Brown, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
You are a fine candidate for an abdominoplasty. Many patients are afraid of the discomfort and the recovery, which we minimize by using a long acting local anesthetic that provides you with 3 days of almost pain free recovery.
The results are usually great and you have a rapid return to full activity. Come in for a complimentary consultation. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck is for you!
Tummy tuck is a procedure for women who have more of a skin problem than a fat problem. That seems to be the case with you.
So, if you’re healthy and can take a couple weeks of down time to recover then this procedure would be perfect! You would have a wonderful result! (Elan B. Singer, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)