Tummy tuck before and after

Tummy tuck before and after pictures will show you what kinds of effects of a tummy tuck surgery happens after surgery.

Thanks to tummy tuck before and after images you can see what kind of scars happens.

You can also decide what type of operation you need: full tummy tuck or mini abdominoplasty.

People on the tummy tuck before and after photos are absolutely real. These photos you can find on their facebook pages.

This section presents the before and after pictures of abdominoplasty.

Tummy tuck before and after photos of top surgeons

Sometimes, in order to achieve optimal results, abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction.

If women or men have excess skin on the abdomen, stretch marks, “apron” (skin fold in the lower abdomen) – it can not be removed by physical exercise and nutrition optimization.

This is due to the fact that expanded skin and subcutaneous tissue are not able to be reduced and strengthening exercises for the abdominals – improve the shape and muscle tone, but not the skin. The aforementioned problems are usually observed in women after pregnancy and childbirth, in men – during rapid weight loss, or after surgery on the abdominal wall. In these cases, plastic surgeons perform tummy tuck – abdominoplasty. Look at tummy tuck before and after photos to determine whether you need surgery or you need tummy tuck without surgery.