Working out after tummy tuck

Most of my patients return to work 2 weeks after a Tummy Tuck. By then most patients have all tummy tuck drains removed and though they can still be sore the pain is completely tolerable. Every once in a while, I will have a patient who takes an additional week to recover but two weeks is the standard answer. (Renato Saltz, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)

I believe in being honest with my patients and providing them with a conservative estimate as to how long they should expect to be out of work. It is better to tell a patient that they need two weeks off from work than to sugarcoat the recovery, have them return to work prematurely or, worse, to need more time off and incur the wrath of an employer in this terrible economy and job market. Generally, I recommend two weeks off after a full abdominoplasty.

Working out after abdominoplasty

Working out after abdominoplasty

Patients may return to work sooner after a mini-tuck. Pa tients may not drive while on prescription pain medication and I do not recommend driving for two weeks postoperatively. In New York CIty, where many patients take public transportation to work, walking up and down subway steps and standing on the platform for extended periods of time may be uncomfortable. You can’t rush recovery.

Patients whose working out after tummy tuck involve standing for long periods or who are in safety sensitive positions, such as police officers or firefighters, should plan to take at least 3 weeks off prior to returning to work and, if possible, light duty is preferrable for several weeks thereafter. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

It may be possible to working out after 2 weeks following tummy tuck

A working out after tummy tuck

A working out after tummy tuck

A full tummy tuck begins with an tummy tuck incision that extends from one hip to the other. This incision is carried through the skin and fat layer but does not penetrate the muscle layer. At the level where the fat layer connects with the muscle layer, the skin and fat is lifted off of the underlying muscle layer.

This lifting continues until the belly button is reached. An incision is then made around the belly button, allowing the skin and fat to continue to be lifted off of the muscle layer up to the rib cage. When this entire apron of skin and fat is elevated, the muscle is then usually tightened with a series of stitches.

The skin and fat layer is then pulled snugly downward and the excess skin and fat are removed.The belly button is then brought out through a new incision at the same level as it was before.

The working out after tummy tuck

The working out after tummy tuck

At the conclusion of this operation, there are stitches in the muscle layer and there is a large raw surface area between the fat and the muscle layer. It is very important that this raw surface area heal and meld together, obliterating the space created in the course of the tummy tuck.

Once this melding is complete, most of the healing has occurred.The muscle layer still requires several weeks of healing in order for it to achieve its greatest strength.

If you have a desk job and it does not require any degree of lifting or activity that might stress the abdominal wall, then it may be possible to return to work in two weeks. In general, you should expect to be off work for at least two weeks. If you have a job that requires lifting, it may be necessary to stay off longer.

Working out after tummy tuck photo

Working out after tummy tuck photo

Many work places allow a return to light duty. If light duty means no heavy lifting then your return could be within two to three weeks. You should refrain from heavy lifting for up to eight weeks. (John J. Edney, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after tummy tuck

I would recommend that you plan for at least 10-14 days away from work. If your work requires significant lifting (>10-15lb), then you will need to have a light duty permit or be off of work for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, I generally do not limit my patient’s activities.

Typically my patients will wear their compression garments after tummy tuck 24/7 for the first month and then at night for the second month.

Working out after tummy tuck surgery

Many patients continue to wear their garments 24/7 during the second month because they fell that the garment is comforting and they like the tightness. (Matthew H. Steele, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)

Patients may working out on 1-2 weeks after tummy tuck surgery

Routinely patients resume full activity including work one to two weeks after having a Tummy Tuck. Strenuous exercise is allowed six weeks after having a Tummy Tuck surgery. A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will advise you before and during your recovery. (Z. Paul Lorenc, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck recovery will depend on the type of working out

Most patients require 1 to 2 weeks away from work after tummy tuck surgery. How much time you need will depend on the type of work you do and the extent of your procedure. A person with a typical desk or office job may require only 5 days of downtime, while a patient in a physically demanding job may need 14 days or more.

Your compression garment will help reduce swelling and facilitate healing. It also helps your body conform to its new contours. Your surgeon will advise you regarding how long you should wear the compression garment, but 3 to 6 weeks is pretty standard. Hope this helps! (Thomas McNemar, MD, FACS, San Ramon Plastic Surgeon)

Return to working out after tummy tuck after tummy tuck

Return to working out after tummy tuck depends on your job description and physical activity requirements. Unrestricted activities may not be permitted for a minimum of 6 weeks. However, in most instances individuals will return to desk type occupations at 2 weeks. Clearly this can be sooner or later depending on the extent of the tummy tuck and muscle repair. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)