Abdominal tuck

Mini abdominal tuck vs. Full abdominal tuck

While few patients actually qualify for mini abdominal tuck, you may be a candidate.

The skin of your upper abdomen has good elasticity without stretch marks. Your abdominal muscles seem to be in a good position, although a full abdominal tuck would tighten these muscles further.

You should know, however, that the results with a full tummy tuck would definitely be better with only a slightly larger scar. I suggest you go in for a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to get a one-on-one opinion. (Elan B. Singer, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

A mini tummy tuck is possible

Abdominal tuck scar

Although a mini or just excising the overhanging roll is possible, you will probably get the best possible resut from a full abdominal tuck. You are only showing us the frontal, a side view might be more revealing will some abdominal protursion and a weakness of the muscles due to a diastasis recti.

An office visіt and full evaluation would be needed to give you the full options. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Mini vs full abdominal tuck

There are advantages and disadvantages to both a full and mini abdominal tuck. However, taking into account your photo, I feel that you will definitely be happier with a full tummy tuck.

Abdominal tuck scar photo

You appear to have a good bit of excess skin as well as some muscle separation. These issues can be best addressed with a full abdominal tuck, although you will have a longer recovery period than you would have with a mini-abdominal tuck. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

Extended mini abdominal tuck

In my opinion, you are a candidate for an extended mini abdominal tuck with superior abdomen Smart Lipo 30 watt MPX unit. This gives you the best and faster recovery than a Full Tummy Tuck. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

I would say that a mini tummy tuck would be an option. Why? Because: The upper abdominal skin appears taut and easily managed with liposuction. You have a lower abdominal scar already. There appears to be no significant muscle separation

Abdominal tuck photo

However, your other photo shows marked upper skin laxity and irregularity which is not amenable to liposuction which is the primary mehtod of treating the upper abdominal skin in a mini tummy tuck. Therefore, in my opinion, you would obtain maximal benefit from a full. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Mini vs full Ttummy tucks

As we have said numerous times in this forum, mini tummy tucks are rare because they do nothing for the upper abdomen and it is a rare patient who needs nothing in the upper abdomen. In your photo, you could just have a scar revision and excise the overhanging roll. The scar will be almost hip to hip however. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)