Abdominal wall laxity

Laxity is the main issue

Part of what you are seeing as an issue with your abdomen is abdominal wall laxity. That is why your abdomen looks better when you are standing upright.

Additional liposuction alone will not address the laxity issue. Since you have some residual fat liposuction can thin the abdominal area out a little more and that may improve the excess fat part of your abdominal appearance.

In terms of tummy tuck, a full tummy tuck will likely result in a small vertical incision as well from where the old belly location. This is not usually an issue.

A reverse abdominoplasty can also be done but this will require an incision under each breast. Its a bit more challenging of a procedure but when performed properly in the right person it can be beneficial.

Abdominal wall laxity image

Seek consultation with several board certified plastic surgeons that have a lot of experience in tummy tuck surgery. (Remus Repta, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon)

The only way you will tighten the skin is to do a tummy tuck and by your photos there is definitely enough laxity to do the procedure easily. The question is will the massive scar be worth the extra skin tightening. If you were my wife I would say don’t do (Joshua B. Hyman, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck or Liposuction for a Flat Belly

This is probably not the answer that you want to hear, but you need to come in for a consultation to truly answer this question. We make these decisions based on multiple different aspects of your history and physical exam. Although pictures help, I would need to personally assess the laxity present in your abdominal muscles as well as the quality of your skin.

Abdominal wall laxity photo

Also, I would need to determine how much excess fat you have versus excess skin. All of this taken together allows me to make the appropriate determination beyond what first impressions we may make from pictures. (Luis Zapiach, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)

Do I need a tummy tuck if abdominal wall laxity?

The simple answer is NO! Your abdomen is flat and you have had a good result from liposuction. You just do not have enough loose skin to warrant a tummy tuck, everyone has loose skin when they sit down, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to stand up straight! (Richard Bloom, MBBS, FRACS, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)

I would not suggest a tummy tuck; perhaps you may benefit from some more abdominal liposuction.

An abdominal wall laxity

If you feel that you would like more buttock projection then may consider a second BBL providing that you have sufficient donor fat. (George Lefkovits, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Strictly speaking, nobody ever “needs” cosmetic surgery. My judgment is that you should NOT have abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) because the extra skin and fat you are grabbing is normal, and will always be there when your spine and hips are flexed. Any small improvement you could get from tummy tuck is not worth the inevitable permanent scar.

PLUS, you may have another pregnancy and lose some of the result. Instead, if you want to POWER UP your look (beyond your already attractive feminine figure), switch gears in your mind and your lifestyle to drop some weight and promote your fitness to a higher level, with strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance. (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

The Abdominal wall laxity

Many patients can benefit from having extra skin cut off and not just liposuction especially after having had a child. You need to address what bothers you and what’s the end result you want to achieve.

Additional lipo may help and give you what you want or perhaps you may want to have the tummy tuck. (N. Bill Aydin, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)