Abdominoplasty diastasis recti

Fix my Diastasis Recti

A short scar tummy tuck with layered muscle repair or even a mesh repair is what I recommend. Insurance coverage is doubtful but possible if not an HMO but a PPO.

While exercise is healthy and makes muscles stronger it CANNOT bring muscles back to the midline position. The ONLY way to perfectly tighten an after-baby tummy is through a Tummy Tuck.

The procedure will both “taken in” tummy muscle looseness and bring the muscles to the midline. It will narrow your waist and, depending on WHICH Tummy Tuck technique is used, it could lift a sagging Mons pubis and sagging thighs smoothing thigh cellulite in the front.

Abdominoplasty diastasis recti photo

This is a purely Cosmetic Surgery and NO insurance company that I am familiar with will pay for it.

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) will be your best option for repair of Diastasis Recti

The procedure of choice for you will be a Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty), which (at least in the hands of a qualified surgeon certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery) should reliably give you improvement in the contour if your entire torso.

An abdominoplasty diastasis recti should help

Abdominoplasty diastasis recti image

When you are finished having kids, get your weight down to where it should be and have a tummy tuck where we repair the stretched out rectus muscles. Insurance does not cover this.

It is not likely that insurance will cover this procedure. However, it does appear that you would get a good result from a full abdominoplasty.

Diastasis Recti Correction

Diastasis recti can only be corrected with surgery. Please consult your insurance provider to determine whether your surgery is covered. Insurance does not usually cover this.

Diastasis repair by tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty diastasis recti picture

A tummy tuck would do wonders if you are at a stable weight, and don’t plan to have any more children. I physical exam may reveal a hernia, which should also be addressed.

Keep working out.  This is great for your recovery.  An abdominoplasty is the fix, but wait until you are certain that you will have no more children. Insurance will usually not cover this, unfortunately.

Muscles aren’t the same after pregnancy

Keep working out, because it can only make you healthier and stronger. But working out will never correct your diastasis recti (the “splitting” of the abdominal muscles after pregnancy).

Only an abdominoplasty can do that.  Please see a surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.