Abdominoplasty tummy tuck

Am I a good canidate for abdominoplasty tummy tuck?

Youy are a great candidate for getting an excellent result from an abdominoplasty tummy tuck.

Your weight is good and you have too much skin and a diastasis, both of which will undergo significant improvement with the surgery. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

How to know if you are a good candidate for an abdominoplasty tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty tummy tuck procedure

A tummy tuck fixes the problems that result from pregnancy that are not correctable with diet and exercise alone:

Re-aligning the muscles for a flatter contour, removing excess skin, and reshaping the belly button when necessary.

From the photos it appears that you have these 3 issues and would be a good candidate.

You will need to avoid lifting for a few weeks afterward so with a small child that will require some planning for help during your recovery. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck candidate

Abdominoplasty tummy tuck operation

Abdominoplasty tummy tuck surgery

You are an excellent tummy tuck candidate, judging by the photos. The excess skin with stretch marks on your tummy and hips can be largely removed.

The shape of your belly button can be changed at the time of the belly button – be sure to show your plastic surgeon the shape you prefer – there is a lot of variation. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Your a good candidate for an abdominoplasty tummy tuck

Based on your photographs you do appear to be an excellent candidate for a tummy tuck. To repair your abdominal muscles and tighten loose skin above your belly button you will need a full tummy tuck. However you are in good shape and do not have a lot of excess fat therefore a smaller scar should be possible. Next Please find an expert board certified plastic surgeon. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)