Abdominoplasty without muscle repair

It is possible to have a tummy tuck without tightening/sewing your muscles. Since you haven’t been pregnant yet, you may not need muscle tightening.

And since you’ve lost over 100 pounds, you may have a great result by removing the loose skin only, but it’s difficult to evaluate you without seeing a photo or seeing you in person.

I suggest you visit with at least one board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your situation in more detail (James Knoetgen, III, MD, Fresno Plastic Surgeon)

Does tummy tuck require muscle repair

The need for muscle repair is dependent on whether the diastasis rectus muscle has been stretched or spread. Theoretically, that might not be the case regardless of your starting weight.

Abdominoplasty without muscle repair image

This is related more frequently to childbearing. In terms of patient say in how to proceed, if the muscle is spread, then abdominoplasty without the muscle repair will only achieve a partial result and I would not advocate that you undergo such a procedure. Generally, I would recommend that, if you plan to have children in the near future, you should delay the surgery until after giving birth. If what you need is removal of a hanging skin apron, or panniculus, this is a possibility. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck without muscle repair is possible

It is impossible to completely evaluate you with the photo you posted and a complete physical would be needed; however, in my experience, you might benefit from a limited abdominoplasty, where the apron or panus is removed with some local liposuction.

Abdominoplasty without muscle repair images

It will give you a better looking abdomen with a smaller procedure, so now if you have kids, when you are all done, a full abdominoplasty will give you a fabulous tummy. (William B. Rosenblatt, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck after weight loss

With a 100 lb weight loss I can say that the muscles of your abdomen are likely split apart. They are usually repaired during a tummy tuck, but they do not have to be. The problem is that if the muscles are loose, then the intra-abdominal contents will push forward against your skin and give you not as dramatic of a degree of improvement. I have had a number of women that have had a tummy tuck and went on to have a successful pregnancy, with no difference in the pain, compared to their prior pregnancies.

Abdominoplasty without muscle repair photo

If you get pregnant after a tummy tuck though, your tummy tuck and muscle repair will likely have to be redone. In your case, the second option is just to remove the loose skin over your lower abdomen by performing a panniculectomy. In that case only skin is removed, no muscles are tightened and you will not have any fear of the muscle repair causing any more pain that you would have had without them. It is not as good of a cosmetic improvement though, so you need to be honest with your surgeon about your expectations. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

There are times when a patient will request NOT to have the muscle work and as long as the patient understands the pro’s and con’s of their choices, I don’t see why they can’t have a say in this decision. You may end up with a beautiful result just by removing the excess skin. I would have to examine you and talk to you regarding your goals before deciding. By the way, I have had patients who get pregnant after tummy tuck surgery and muscle repair without harm to the patient or the baby.so really the decision is up to you. I suggest clear communication with your surgeon to decide what is best for you. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

The abdominoplasty without muscle repair

You should have ALL the say in which procedure you have as long as you understand what each delivers. Obesity, like pregnancy, involves gradual stretching of the skin AND muscles. Choosing to not to do a muscle repair will result in a sub-optimal result. On the other hand, doing the muscle repair and have it stretched out by subsequent pregnancy(ies) does not make sense either financial or otherwise.

Your best conservative approach is to remove the overhang, a panniculectomy; the operation removes the skin/fat overhang without undermining the tummy skin and repair the muscle separation. This would allow you to lose further weight and have your family. Then, when you reach a point whee you can afford to, you can have an abdominoplasty with any other needed procedures and get the figure you always wanted. (Peter A. Aldea, MD, Memphis Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck without muscle repair.

You have alot of say in the procedure as long as you accept the limited results that are achieved without the muscle plication. You are essentially describing what we term a “panniculectomy. This eliminates and removes the excess hanging skin without liposuction, undermining, or muscle repair. Discuss your expectations and anticipated outcome of this limited procedure with your surgeon. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)