After tummy tuck care

How long you will need to have someone take care of you after a tummy tuck?

The first 24-48 hours are crucial – someone needs to take you home after your surgery, and take care of you.

The longer you can have someone stay with you the better. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

How long will you need to have help after a tummy tuck?

Generally, women could use help for a week or so after surgery to take care of the kids and household chores, etc. After one week, most patients are able to start taking care of “business” and are weaning off pain medicine.

After tummy tuck care photo

When off pain prescriptions then it is usually possible to resume driving (car pool, etc.) if you are careful. Although you will be easily fatigued, by a week or two it is usually OK to resume gentle exercise such as walking.

By six weeks, most patients can ease into more strenuous exercise. You might be pleased to know that abdominoplasty surgerry has been revolutionized over the past few years by techniques that eliminate the use of drains (Progressive Tension Suture Technique) and by the use of EXPAREL. EXPAREL is an injectable numbing medicine that we inject into the muscles and incisions at the time of surgery that makes recovery much easier.

After tummy tuck surgery care

We have found in our patients that narcotic usage is decreased 50-60% post-operatively when we us EXPAREL and patients are up and about much more quickly than before. Seek the advice of an experienced board certified plastic surgeon to help you plan for this BIG event. (Kevin L. Smith, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

If at all possible you should have someone to help you with your children and daily activities for the first week after your tummy tuck. Is important that you do not stress yourself or putting undue Burton on your surgical area during the first 2 weeks after surgery. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

After tummy tuck care

After tummy tuck care patient

Great question and an important one in planning for surgery. The first week after surgery is the most difficult after a tummy tuck. Generally, you will have a drain in place and will be walking around slightly hunched over. You will need help getting in and out of bed.

You also won’t be able to drive anywhere as you likely will be taking pain medications. Beyond one week, it depends on what kind of help you need at home. If you have small children, you may need help longer because even though you will be feeling better after 1-2 weeks, you will have difficulty caring for them. (Naveen Setty, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

You need someone who could help you in your diary task, such as cooking (and prepare you the meals), do the laundry (and help you to dress), etc.

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Someone who help you with the tummy tuck drains until you get use to them. Remember that you need rest to recover as you would with any other operation. Don’t drive if you are taking narcotics. Take care and have a nice day! (Yily De Los Santos, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

Care After Tummy Tuck

You must have someone with you at all times for the first 24 hours after surgery. After that, it will be helpful to have a close friend or family member who can help you walk around steadily, help to keep track of your medications and drain output and help you to prepare/eat meals. You will not be able to drive as long as you are taking narcotic pain medications. Typically this lasts for about 1 week before you feel more like yourself. Good luck to you! (Emily J. Kirby, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)