Bad Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck Questions
Without photos, it is impossible to offer an opinion. Since you are unhappy with your surgery, I would recommend you schedule an appointment with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for a second opinion. (Robert E. Zaworski, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Cosmetic Surgery is an art and a science
Your scar will undergo changes for the next 6 months. Try to be patient and discuss your concerns with your surgeon. (Thomas A. Narsete, MD, Greenwood Village Plastic Surgeon)
I am not sure that we can tell you very much without a picture. However, I personally can not imagine that many patients have great scars 3 weeks after surgery.
Truncal scars will clearly go through an “ugly phase” where the wound is red/purple look that begins to improve a month after surgery then slowly fade from that point forward. While the process takes as much as 18 months, patients see clear improvement by 6 months and will remain patient through the “slow time”.
The countour irregularity is not normal. But you are still too early to worry. You picked your plastic surgeon for a reason, so have some confidence and patience with and in him. (K. Dwayne Fulks, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Bad Tummy Tuck
It is too early to determine your final result and you are still swollen and bruised which is normal. Have patience, follow your surgeons post op advice and allow yourself to heal. (Lisa M. DiFrancesco, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Unhappy tummy tuck
First, we needed photos to say anything other than that it takes time to heal. I hope you went to an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and not one of those pretenders out there trying to tempt you into their practice by telling you what you want to hear. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Scars mature after a tummy tuck for 12-18 months
- Bad Tummy Tuck surgery
- Bad Tummy Tuck sckin after surgery
Believe it or not, you won’t see the final scars from your surgery for about 12-18 months as this is how long it takes for scars to mature. Don’t panic.and you might want to start Mederma at this point if your plastic surgeon is okay with it. (Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACS, )