Breast reduction and tummy tuck

Combination body contouring

I commonly perform breast contouring surgery with abdominal contouring surgery as well. The key is to make sure that your fit for surgery and can undergo a longer procedure.

I would discuss this matter with several board-certified plastic surgeon’s and make sure you find one that understands your overall goals and desires. (Gaurav Bharti, MD, Johnson City Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction and tummy tuck сombine procedures

Breast reduction and tummy tuck surgery

Patients that are ideal candidates from cosmetic surgery can get a breast reduction and a tummy tuck at the same time. I would recommend that you visit with several boards by plastic surgeons for physical examination, recommendations and costs. (Earl Stephenson, Jr., MD, DDS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Can you get a breast reduction and a tummy Tuck at the same time and if so about how much does it cost?

I perform this combination frequently in healthy patients. The combined cost may be about $15,000. Look at reviews and before and after pictures as well as credentials to select your surgeon. (Kenneth B. Hughes, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Breast reduction and tummy tuck can be done at the same time

Breast reduction and tummy tuck operation

Yes, a breast reduction and tummy tuck can be done at the same time, in most people, depending on their health. The cost for both will depend on whether insurance covers the breast reduction or not. If not, the cost is likely to be in the range of $12,000 – $16,000. Always consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Yes, that’s a common combination for healthy patients at a good weight. The cost will depend on which doctor you choose to do the surgery but some breast reduction patients have insurance coverage. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

In the right patient with a good health bill, this is possible. Pending your clinical evaluation, height and weight, this surgery takes on average from anywhere from 5- 7 hours.

The breast reduction and tummy tuck

You may require medical clearance and I recommend an overnight stay for safety. Cost varies between different states, surgery time and individual surgeon’s fee. (Maan Kattash, MD, FRCS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Sure, if you are healthy. I frequently do this. The cost will vary a lot, especially if insurance covers the reduction.

Generally speaking, it is possible to have both procedures done at the same time. There are many factors, however, that determine if it is safe to perform both procedures simultaneously, including the anticipated extent of surgery and your overall medical health.

In some instances it is recommended to perform the procedures separately. A consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon can help you to understand your options and to determine if you would be an appropriate candidate for the procedures you desire. (Josef Hadeed, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)