Cheapest Tummy Tuck

Cheapest tummy tuck

The cheapest procedures are usually offered by doctors without the necessary training. My office has just been contacted by a woman with severe complications – after an untrained surgeon did a cheap tummy tuck for her.

And within a year, the ‘Clinic’ was closed. I urge you to see only a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Get 3 consults, discuss your budget and among these 3 trained surgeons, find the most affordable one.

Most plastic surgeons offer access to some kind of financing, such as Care Credit. But please price alone is a risky road. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Where would be the cheapest place to get a tummy tuck?

Cheapest Tummy Tuck image

Please don’t make price the only factor for your choice of surgeons. Price varies from region to region and surgeon to surgeon, facility, etc. Be sure to consult with experienced board certified plastic surgeons.

Make sure they are credentialed by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. We see so many patients requiring revision surgeries after having their surgeries performed by physicians that are not properly trained.

After consultation you can then compare what each surgeon is offering (make sure they are “apples to apples” comparisons). Then choose the surgeon with whom you have the most confidence. Good surgeons will offer you the chance to talk to other patients who have had similar surgeries. You might be pleased to know that abdominoplasty surgerry has been revolutionized over the past few years by techniques that eliminate the use of drains (Progressive Tension Suture Technique) and by the use of EXPAREL.

Cheapest Tummy Tuck procedure

EXPAREL is an injectable numbing medicine that we inject into the muscles and incisions at the time of surgery that makes recovery much easier. We have found in our patients that narcotic usage is decreased 50-60% post-operatively when we us EXPAREL and patients are up and about much more quickly than before. (Kevin L. Smith, MD, FACS, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Where’s the cheapest tummy tuck and Pennsylvania?

Cheapest Tummy Tuck operation

I practice in Maryland, so I really don’t know where the least expensive tummy tuck in Pennsylvania is. But some thinking for you that I hope will be of help. Research a few doctors in your area and find out how they approach tummy tuck surgery.

Is it in patient or outpatient? Do they include liposuction? What are their fees? Each surgeon will have his or her own approach depending upon your needs, and the types of facilities that they use.

As you approach this I would strongly suggest that you do not let cost be the most important factor. Choose a surgeon, hopefully a board certified plastic surgeon that has experience with the surgery that you’re considering and gives you a good comfort level.

Cheapest Tummy Tuck surgery

A few dollars either way will not help if you’re not on the same page and comfortable with your plastic surgeon. (Adam Tattelbaum, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)

Be sure to do your homework when finding the right board certified plastic surgeon for you. It is not wise to search by cost alone. You could end up choosing a physician who has not trained in plastic surgery (and may not even be a surgeon at all). Choose wisely! (Emily J. Kirby, MD, Fort Worth Plastic Surgeon)