Difference between mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck

Should I have a tummy tuck, mini tuck, or laser lipo?

You have a beautiful tummy and it would be a shame to ruin it by placing a big scar. Please consult at least two reputable plastic surgeons for an exam and advice.

If you can pinch more than 1 inch of fat on your lower abdomen I would try SlimLipo laser liposuction-the 25% skin tightening may be enough.

You do not have enough skin for a full tummy tuck. A mini will not tighten the skin around your belly button.

Laser liposuction done by a very EXPERIENCED plastic surgeon can improve this. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Difference between mini abdominoplasty and full abdominoplasty

I think you look terrific and want you to have an honest gauge of what result you will get with surgery and what the tradeoff is. Liposuction is not the answer and attaching a “laser” to it won’t help any more. I see that you have some excess skin laxity and slight bulge from your muscles being widened a little from your pregnancies.

Both are pretty darn minimal though. The best result (if you aren’t concerned with incisions and resultant scars – which I’ve never met one patient that isn’t concerned) would be with an abdominoplasty and muscle plication/repair. I do think that a modification in which your muscles were repaired, your belly button was left where it is and attached (not floating it which results in a lower belly button), and excision of lower tissue would be the best option for you.

It would improve your contour slightly (which is all you need) and remove excess skin (which you have a little bit of), and only have your bikini incision/ scar which will be hidden. If you float your belly button, it will be too low.

Difference between mini tummy tuck and full abdominoplasty surgery

If you do a traditional tummy tuck and relocate your belly button in new skin area, you will have a scar in your midline because there isn’t enough laxity to remove all of that skin and get your old belly button site as low as your bikini incision.  (J. Garrett Harper, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Difference between mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck

This is really impossible to call without a good examination.It seems that your muscles need tightening from your rib cage to your pubis. Perhaps this could be done through something less than a hip to hip incision.

Difference between mini tummy tuck surgery and full tummy tuck surgery

Traditional liposuction would serve you well. A board-certified plastic surgeon would be able to give you a better idea of the alternatives after an examination. (Ira H. Rex lll, MD, Fall River Plastic Surgeon)

It appears from your pictures that you are in good shape and do not have much excess fat. Loose skin on your abdomen will require either a mini – or a full abdominoplasty and it is best for you to be evaluated by a plastic surgeon.(Mark Deutsch, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Difference between mini tummy tuck and full abdominoplasty

Kudos to you for looking so good at 31 with two pregnancies. The obvious short answer is that without an in person exam, it’s hard to give you an absolute answer. However, I know for sure that liposuction, laser or standard, will not accomplish what you are looking for. You don’t have enough fat to get much of a contour improvement, and you will have minimal skin tightening.

Mini tummy tucks unfortunately will give mini improvement, with almost as much tummy tuck scar.

With your petite body and two pregnancies, I am willing to bet you have lost most of the elasticity in your abdomen, and therefore probably have enough stretchable skin to get a full tummy tuck and hide the scar below your bikini line.

The good news is Austin is full of some of the best Board Certified cosmetic plastic surgeons in America.

Obviously, your job is to do your due diligence, see before and afters, ask to see actual patients, and look at where their scars are and the quality of the scars. What you are asking for is not rocket science, but you need to find the right plastic surgeon. (S. Larry Schlesinger, MD, FACS, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)

Difference between mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck surgery

You seem to have moderate diastasis with a skin overhang. Im my opinion, a full abdominoplasty with lipo to your hips and flanks will serve you best. Neither mini- tummy tuck nor lipo will address your weak muscles and may worsen your skin overhang. I recommend a consultation in person with a surgeon in your city for proper evaluation and advice. (Maan Kattash, MD, FRCS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Mini tummy Tuck v Full Tummy Tuck

Your body shows the results of your regular workouts. It is difficult to tell from your photos alone, but it appears as thought you do not have excess fat, but do have some separation of your rectus muscles and skin laxity that are most likely from your pregnancies.

You might be an excellent candidate for a mini tummy tuck, whicjh means that your area to be improved is all below the belly button. It would require an in person exam and discussion of your goals to determine whether you could benefit by a full tummy tuck. Muscle tightening in the upper abdomen and removal of more loose skin are the benefits of a full TT over a mini. (Mary Lee Peters, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)