Doctor Miller in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Name: Arch Miller, MD
Last name: Miller
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1988
Years experience: 35
Primary Specialty: Plastic Surgeon
Business: Tulsa Plastic Surgery
Address: 6585 S. Yale
Address suite: Ste. 315
Phone: +1 918-215-2355
City: Tulsa
State: Oklahoma
Zip Code: 74136
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • Mercy Medical Center, Redding, CA
  • Patients Hospital, Redding, CA
  • Court Street Surgery Center, Redding, CA
  • Mercy Surgery Center, Redding, CA
  • Shasta Regional Medical Center, Redding, CA
  • Undergraduate: The Citadel Military College in Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina
  • Medical: MD, University of Texas at Galveston
Postdoc Training
  • Residency: General Surgery, Bowman Gray Medical Center at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
  • Fellowship: Plastic Surgery, Bowman Gray Medical Center at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina

GPS coordinates on map: 36.1334,-95.97570038

Primary location
Location name: Tulsa
State: OK
Country: US
Map point: 36.1334,-95.97570038

Arch Miller, MD

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Facelift
  • Liposuction
  • Mommy Makeover
  • Tummy Tuck

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 382
Answer count: 109
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Jul 18, 2018
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Sep 5, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Tulsa, OK, US. GPS coordinates: 36.1334,-95.97570038

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Full mommy makeover candidate? Can fibroid removal be done simultaneously?
Mommy makeover
Jun 13, 2020
You have an agenda for improvement that is aggressive. You should wait 6-9 months to allow your body to heal. Wait at least three months after last signs of lactation. Your skin will continue to change up to one year. If you plan on another child you should not have a tummy tuck. Enjoy your child, heal and make conservative plans with a board certified plastic surgeon
Why are some patients facelift incisions scar free?
Mar 17, 2019
We all heal differently and at different rates. Our post op compliance with care also differs. Variables such as cigarette or marijuana use and caffeine use will alter healing. Therefore, all incisions will be different.incisions will secrete serum and some blood and can form scabs. Thus it is best to gently cleanse incisions. Although ice decreases swelling, it also decreases blood flow and can increase risk to healing. Dressings all depend on the surgeons experience .one must rely on that…
Will Lipo cause more wrinkling?
Mar 17, 2019
In all likelihood, you will get a nice reduction of your “pooch”, but the striae or stretch marks will probably remain or worsen in appearance. The striae are actually “tears”in your dermis that are irreversible. One can tighten them and improve visual effect.
If you have a tattoo on your lower stomach and then you get a tummy tuck, will the tattoo end up being
tattoo on tummy.
Feb 25, 2019
If you have a real tummy tuck that takes skin, and the tattoo is within the incision line, of course it will change the tattoo.
Can scars at the top and bottom of the earlobes be camouflaged with make-up by about one month?
Feb 25, 2019
I suppose an “uplift” is what we call a mini facelift. the incision is at the tragus, and goes behind the ear. the normal healing period for those incisions is about two weeks. you can then safely use camouflage makeup to obscure the incision lines. after one or two months you should not even have to use makeup.
Is this capsular contracture?
Feb 24, 2019
By appearances, you are developing a contracture. The etiology is possibly a small bleed that might have occurred by tearing some scar tissue when you is also possible that your implant has ruptured. You might consider getting a mammogram and then visiting with your plastic surgeon about his recommendations. It is usually best to wait up to one year after surgery, but this may progress enough that an intervention could be taken.
My breast are too big and round, how can i get them redone? This is not what i wanted and asked for? (p
Feb 24, 2019
Well, you are healing nicely. The size of your breasts can be modified by doing a full reduction and reducing the size of your implants. essentially you will need a major revision to achieve the look you say you want.
How to determine if I have a hernia?
Tummy bulge
Feb 23, 2019
What this picture suggests is that you perhaps have a recurrent wide diastasis recti. The lower area appears to be intact. You will likely need to have your abdominoplasty redone.
Inner thigh lipo disaster. Can it be corrected?
deep suction tracks
Feb 20, 2019
You have a very difficult problem. you will likely need some minimal liposuction combined with autologous fat transfer to the deficits you have photographed. Please consult a board certified plastic surgeon experienced in fat transfer and reconstruction.
How much blood drainage is normal after lipo?
fluid drainage.
Feb 20, 2019
Usually, in the first few hours and day after liposuction, you will see drainage. Dark brown drainage indicates old blood that is liquified.Bright red blood in a stream is an indicator of a true bleeding problem. The drainage is usually a combination of the injected fluid which is done for pain, and for decreasing bleeding. your description seems to suggest the drainage is normal with the injected, or tumescent fluid.
How long is the usual shelf life of a breast implant before implantation?
termination date
Feb 20, 2019
The date you are talking about is for the sterility of the package. the actual failure date or half life of the implant is somewhere in the area of12-15 years. By 25 years, most implants have had a subtle rupture if gels, and a deflation if saline filled. But, do not set a date for removal. Only have them removed when symptoms occur that are painful, deforming, or deflation.
Sharp pains in one area 3 weeks post op. Should I be worried? My PS didn’t seem concerned
medial chest pain
Feb 20, 2019
You are likely experiencing healing pain where we remove the muscle from its attachments to the sternum. This will likely persist for several weeks. You can take a muscle relaxant and this will help. This is a common side effect of the surgery.
Disadvantages to subfascial breast augmentation?
Feb 20, 2019
Implantation under the muscle was initially started to eliminate upper pole wrinkling and to provide greater coverage over the implant. The subfascial approach was first described as an option to eliminate the muscular animation one sees with that placement. Not all patients really mind the animation, but the procedure is more painful than subglandular. the fascia overlying the pectoralis muscle is tenuous, and friable. it is adherent to the muscle, and more bleeding is encountered…
Will my breast ever drop?
Feb 20, 2019
When the implants are placed submuscular, it is not uncommon for displacement to occur unevenly because muscles contract at different times during arm use. Also, capsular contracture can occur and make the implants uneven. And, it is unusual for two breasts to be perfectly equal. Finally, it takes months ror healing to occur. I recommend you wear a pushdown for the next two or three months and this may help. If at the end of 9-12 months you are still uneven, talk to your surgeon about…
Why is a face lift performed with the patient’s head tilted back?
Feb 20, 2019
The markings are made with the patient sitting or standing upright. Then, the patient is placed in a semi recumbent position. in reality, the true “lifting” is performed by tightening the overlying fascia on the facial muscles. the skin is actually advanced by the fascia. Then, the extra is removed. This lifts the fat, and helps smooth out wrinkles and lines. So,we actually follow the markings made while you are upright.

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Last updated on 11/26/2023