Dr. Abbott Physician in Omaha, Nebraska 68116

Name: Carter Abbott, MD
Last name: Abbott
Gender: male
Primary Specialty: Physician
Business: Omaha Med Spa
Address: 14450 Eagle Run Dr.
Address suite: Ste. 260
City: Omaha
State: Nebraska
Zip Code: 68116
Country: US
Consulting Fees: -1$
Has Sponsored Offer : No
Special Offers
Offer #1: Galderma Offer
Special Offer Treatments: All treatments
End Time: 12/31/2023
Detail: Sign up for Aspire Galderma Rewards prior to your appointment to receive $20 off on each treatment listed below: Dysport®, Restylane® family, Sculptra® Aesthetic.
Clinical Privileges
  • CHI- St. Elizabeth Hospital
GPS coordinates on map: 41.2881712,-96.139929

Primary location
Location name: Omaha
State: NE
Country: US
Map point: 41.2598,-95.94229889

Carter Abbott, MD

  • Botox
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Dysport
  • Juvederm
  • Pelleve
  • Restylane
  • Restylane Defyne
  • Restylane Lyft
  • Restylane Refyne
  • Restylane Silk
  • Sculptra

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 123
Answer count: 12
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Offer count: 1
Profile created: Apr 20, 2016
Profile modified: Mar 11, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Unclaimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Physician
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Jan 1, 2019
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Omaha, NE, US. GPS coordinates: 41.2598,-95.94229889

Practice Locations

Name & Website
Omaha MedSpa – Eagle Run, https://omahamedspa.com/
14450 Eagle Run Dr.Ste. 260, Omaha, Nebraska, US, 68116 (GPS coordinates: 41.2881712,-96.139929)
(402) 614-5556
Working Hours
Mon: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Tue: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wed: 11:00am – 6:00pm
Thu: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sat: 8:00am – 1:00pm
Created / Modified
Dec 27, 2018 / Jul 28, 2020
Name & Website
Omaha MedSpa – Old Market, https://omahamedspa.com/
1001 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska, US, 68116 (GPS coordinates: 41.257278,-95.9295166)
(402) 614-5556
Working Hours
Created / Modified
Dec 27, 2018 / Jul 28, 2020

Special Offers

Start Time / End Time

Galderma Offer
Nov 1, 2019 /
Dec 31, 2023
Sign up for Aspire Galderma Rewards prior to your appointment to receive $20 off on each treatment listed below: Dysport®, Restylane® family, Sculptra® Aesthetic.
Specific treatments

Doctor's answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Swollen upper lip after fillers (Juvederm Plus). Should I be concerned?
Swelling for up to two weeks is not unusual - here are my thoughts
Dec 31, 2018
What the provider does will contribute to swelling, such as how much was injected, how many needle injections were used.
I use ice before and between injections with each patient. Some people will swell more than others, and if you were showing that tendency I would suggest continuing ice at home, and also use Arnica gel around the edges of the lips, or take Arnica by mouth.
My home care instructions also include no cardio exercise or saunas for 48 hours - this would only make the...
Under-eye fillers completely dissolved within 3 days? Help!
Follow up with the Provider is warranted - here are my thoughts
Dec 31, 2018
I agree that 3 syringes sounds like a lot of filler. It may be that you received Juvederm Volbella XC that comes in two syringe sizes - 0.55cc and 1.00cc. It would not be unusual to use a total of 1cc for both eyes if both the medial (nose side) and lateral (outer side) of both tear troughs were done. In my experience this filler lasts 12-18 months in the tear troughs, and is a good choice to use.
There are rare cases of filler disappearing within two weeks of...
40-year-old stay-at-home mom of two children (ages 4 and 6), looking to restore significant loss of v
Options other that fat grafting
Dec 31, 2018
As a non-surgical aesthetic physician I agree that fat grafting is an option. The skill of that physician will affect your final result. With two young children, you might want to consider a simpler option. Non-surgical lifting and volumizing the cheeks can be accomplished with Juvederm Voluma. I believe this would work very well for you, but you would need at least two syringes and up to four syringes. Advantages of Voluma are that if you develop "lumps" they...
Getting rid of genetic double chin - What are my options?
Non-surgical option is best - Kybella
Dec 31, 2018
Hello! You have a mild sub-mental fat pad that causes the appearance of a double chin on photos. Common treatments in the US for this condition include surgical liposuction, Kybella injections or freezing the fat (CoolSculpting). I believe Kybella is the best option for you as you would see permanent improvement after one treatment. I would estimate that you would need a total of 3 Kybella treatments. Since the fat cells are destroyed, once you get the final...
What do you feel is the % of recurring patients for Botox? Why don't people return? Cost? Inconvenien
Almost 100% return at some point in the future to repeat Botox
Dec 30, 2018
Happy Holidays. The rate of patient satisfaction with Botox is very high, as long as it is done properly. Almost all patients will repeat Botox again in the future, but I do find that the cost of treatment is a limiting factor for some patients. Although I have patients who return every 3-4 months like clockwork, there are others that I see only once or twice per year, often planning their treatment to coincide with an event, such as a holiday, vacation, birthday, high...
Had 40 units Botox about 3 weeks ago. Still experiencing a debilitating excruciating frontal and temp
Headaches from Botox are usually gone in one week
Dec 30, 2018
Greetings. Sorry to hear about your problem with headaches. Headache pain that persists more than a week after Botox is unusual, but possible. Other causes of headache pain should be considered. Rather than go to ER, I would suggest a visit to your regular primary care physician. If you have irritation of a nerve from a Botox needle injection, then the pain is usually "neuralgic" and feels like a sharp, shooting, burning or tingling pain. Neuralgic pain...
Do I need my under eye fillers dissolved?
Give it a few more days, then schedule a follow-up visit with your aesthetic provider
Dec 30, 2018
In the part of the USA where I practice, most of us use a blunt tipped cannula to place small amounts of fillers, such as Juvederm Volbella (US names vary from UK labeling of product). The cannula causes very minimal to no swelling, and the risk of bruising is greatly reduced. You appear to have swelling, and it would be wise to wait a full two weeks before assessing the final outcome of treatment. It would be helpful to compare your photos with "before filler" pictures...

Last updated on 12/14/2023