Dr Yamahata Tummy Tuck

Doctor Wayne I. Yamahata, MD, Sacramento, California 25 Year Old Mother Treated With Mom Plastic Surgery Candidate

This is a 33-year-old patient who is about 5'3'' and 135 pounds. She was seeking a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, in Sacramento. Following her pregnancies, she developed a great deal of loose tissue in her abdominal area. She chose to undergo a tummy tuck at our practice, allowing Dr. Yamahata to remove the extra tissue as well as surgically tighten her abdominal muscles. The procedure included liposuction to contour her upper hip and flank areas. Although there is a wide scar associated with this procedure, it's clear in the photographs that it is generally well-hidden in normal undergarments or swimsuits.

(Sep 6, 2019)