Emotions and panic before tummy tuck

Has anyone else freaked out the day before their tummy tuck surgery? I feel like I could have a panic attack and pass out!


  1. Tanya says:

    I am and I don’t even have an appointment yet!

  2. Michelle says:

    Yes..I freaked out and I freaked out after tummy tuck surgery I felt like I lost a limb…it was werid..I’m glad I did it and I’m almost 90 days out. But I had a very strange experience.

  3. Stephanie says:

    Oh that’s not good

  4. Roni says:

    Nope,I was actually looking forward to it.

  5. Sherrie says:

    U know I have panic attacks but I’m really looking forward to my Jr glass tt…. can’t wait n hopefully I still will feel this ..If not I’m take a valum… tell u r doc to give you some. .and good luck!!

  6. Stephanie says:

    Thank you!

  7. Sherrie says:

    Yep I’m taking me a valum before I go in and the night before. ..shit maybe even after lolz but doc said so ..but everything is going to be alright. .God’s got you..

  8. Amanda says:

    I almost didn’t show up to my appointment, in fact I was 30 min. late because I was chickening out. I just kept thinking about all the other men and women that have gone through this and have been just fine. You’ll do great and ask them for the happy meds right when you get there

  9. Sherrie says:

    Exactly happy meds..u will be fine. .

  10. Sherrie says:

    Dear Heavenly Father, please watch over Debra and please hold her in Your hands through her entire procedure. Please remove any anxiety or fear from her mind and heart. Please prepare the surgical room to be a place of peace. Bless and lead the surgeon and the surgical staff. Please guide her surgeon’s hands and mind with wisdom and skill. In Jesus’s name I pray.
    Good luck tomorrow Debra