Fatter than before the tummy tuck

I feel fatter than before the stummy tuck urgery. I’m 5 foot 8 in tall and weighted 148 pre tummy tuck op. Has anyone felt the same. I’m 2.5 weeks post abdominoplasty op. I’m feeling really depressed


  1. Cheryl says:

    My Dr told me that I might be swollen and have fluid after tummy tuck surgery. I am now almost 9 weeks out. Swelling is almost gone except around pubis. Give yourself some healing time. Talk to your plastic surgeon

  2. Stephanie says:

    Idk what you looked like before but you look really good now!

  3. Roni says:

    Mentally toy have to be prepared to accept you will swell. You are very recent, as Stephenie said i don’t know what you looked like before but I do agree you look great. Not being able to see immediate results is a but stressful maybe that’s why you feel that way. Follow your plastic surgeon instructions and walk as much as you can. Walking everyday has helped me allot,i now go to the gym everyday and feeling great. Don’t despair, keep a positive mind. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. Good luck

  4. Rebekah says:

    Thanks when did you start going back to the gym?

  5. Roni says:

    I’ve been going for a week now. I’m five weeks post tummy tuck operation. The first day i could only walk one mile in an hour, the second day i did two miles in an hr. From the third day on I’m able to walk 3-3.5 miles in an hour. Hang in there girl, you’re still healing. In no time you’ll be get stronger and you’re going to look better than you imagined.