Full tummy tuck recovery

It takes several months to full tummy tuck recovery, although most people return to work in one or two weeks. The procedure provides patients with dramatic improvements that are visible immediately and continue to improve with time.

It takes a while for the body to recover 100% from the procedure. (David Stoker, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominal extension limitation can persist for 6-8 weeks after full abdominoplasty

A successful abdominoplasty can tighten the abdomen sufficiently to make it difficult to fully extend your abdomen so that you can stand up straight.

You should be getting better every week and I would expect that you will be able to stand fully uprigt without difficulty in the next few weeks. If not you should see your doctor and consider physical therapy to help you get full motion back. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

How long is full recovery period after tummy tuck?

Full tummy tuck recovery after surgery

There are all kinds of tummy tucks and different recovery periods. A skin only tummy tuck may be easier to recover from than a circumferential (all the way around the torso) type tummy tuck. Most commonly, it takes about six weeks before resuming full and normal activities. I encourage patients to start walking right after surgery and continue that as their exercise of choice.

You need to be careful with yourself especially in the first two or so weeks so that you can avoid complication of being too active. I also like to use exparel (a long acting anesthetic) that helps you get going right after tummy tuck surgery. An occasional tug or twinge of pain is common after surgery and even after several weeks. Be sure to followup with your board certified plastic surgeon. (Paul Watterson, MD, Charlotte Plastic Surgeon)

Full Tummy Tuck Recovery Period: What to Expect

Full tummy tuck recovery photo

Abdominoplasty removes excess abdominal skin while simultaneously tightening the abdominal muscles. Patients can anticipate limited physical activity for ten to fourteen days following surgery. I typically tell my patients bathroom and kitchen privileges initially with slow resumption of normal activity over the next two weeks.

Patients can usually return to work in two weeks if no strenuous activity or heavy lifting is involved. After seven to eight weeks, patients can resume all their normal activities including heavy lifting.

Full tummy tuck recovery photos

The vast majority of abdominoplasty patients have resumed their normal activities within three months of surgery, but the wound healing process continues for up to a year following this procedure. These symptoms usually disappear with the passage of time. During this period patients occasionally note swelling after tummy tuck, pulling, numbness and tightness.

It’s important to discuss these problems with your surgeon. Your surgeon should be able to help you address these concerns and alleviate your anxiety. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

How Long is the Recovery Period for Full Tummy Tuck?

Full tummy tuck recovery image

Each patient has a different pain threshold and recovery experience. I always recommend addressing any concerns directly with your plastic surgeon. Here are some general guidelines from recovery after tummy tuck: Most people take 1-2 weeks off from work, depending on how active their job is.

The compression garment is worn for 4 weeks. No spikes in blood pressure or heart rate for the first 2 weeks. At 2 weeks post op, you may begin light cardio (walking only), but no strength training or weight lifting. Increase duration and intensity of your workouts gradually.

The full tummy tuck recovery

From 4-6 weeks post op, continue to increase intensity and duration avoiding crunches or heavy core work. At 6 weeks post op, you are restriction free and may resume normal activities and work outs. Always go by the “if it hurts, STOP” theory until you feel fully recovered. (Steven Vath, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)

Every tummy tuck I do is slightly different, because every patient is slightly different. The amount of muscle tightening and each patient’s pain tolerance can affect the amount of time until you feel back to normal.

Usually patients are able to stand up straight after a week or two, but sometimes it can take a little longer.

The good news is that all of our patients eventually reach the point where they don’t feel as tight. Make sure that you discuss concerns like this with your surgeon. Your relationship with your surgeon has just started at the time of your operation. Sometimes the most valuable interactions with your surgeon and his or her team is in the care after your surgery and during follow up. (John K. Wakelin III, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Full tummy tuck recovery time varies from patient to patient

Full tummy tuck operation recovery

The healing process after any surgery is different for every patient, and this is certainly true following a tummy tuck. Many of my patients say that their recovery was quite easy, but others have a harder time.

How you feel throughout the full tummy tuck recovery depends on many factors: the level of correction needed during surgery, your personal comfort level and even your skin and muscle flexibility. It’s important to just give your body the time it needs to get better, however long that takes. The main thing is that you are noticing progress, even if it may not be happening quite as quickly as you would like. (Frank Campanile, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)