Good tummy tuck results

It is normal to be anxious before any surgery but based on your photos assuming you are in good health and a non smoker you appear to be a good candidate for the procedure.

Liposuction is done frequently with tummy tuck but not always required (Robert Savage, MD, Wellesley Plastic Surgeon)

Congratulations on your massive weight loss. From the photos it appears that you have minimal to no fat left, thus you don’t need liposuction.

What I do believe you need is a circumferential abdominoplasty (or a body lift).

This will remove all of the excess skin from your tummy, flanks and back. (Kim Taylor, FRACS, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)

Good tummy tuck results photo

Removal of excess skin and muscle plication aka “tummy tuck” should give you a significant improvement. You will definitely still have some areas of excess skin as well as some residual laxity, thats just the case with massive weight loss patients bodies; but overall I think you should see a drastic improvement.

If you wish to have liposuction or further skin resection at a latter point this is certainly not unreasonable. We also offer non-invasive fat reduction such as coolsculpting and ultrashape that can be used once you heal from your surgery. At this point, I think you are proceeding in the right direction, and would concentrate on preparing and healing from your upcoming surgery. (Reps B. Sundin, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck post weight loss

Good tummy tuck results before

Congratulations of your weight loss. Given the extra skin you have, a tummy tuck to remove that excess tissue is the perfect procedure for you. I agree that liposuction is not needed. (Khashayar Mohebali, MD, Corte Madera Plastic Surgeon)

Can I achieve good results with my tummy tuck?

You are a perfect candidate for body contouring including and especially extended abdominoplasty ( Tummy Tuck). In the hands of a very experienced PS who has performed hundreds if not thousands of these procedures – you should expect to be satisfied. Liposuction in my opinion will be helpful but only a minor component of the reconstructive effort. The majority of your benefit will come from aggressive excision of the loose skin. (Thomas Trevisani, Sr., MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Need a circumferntial body lift not tummy tuck

Wow, You have lost a lot of weight, congratulations. If you just have a tummy tuck you will be unhappy. You lost weight all around the body not just in front so that is why the circumferential lift is needed. Please seek consultation with a plastic surgeon who does this procedure. Based on your pictures, removal of the excess tissue would be recommended. (Gregory Lynam, MD, Richmond Plastic Surgeon)