Hernia surgery and tummy tuck
Hernias can be fixed at the same time as a tummy tuck, but it usually takes two surgeons
With a hernia present and the desire for a tummy tuck to repair the diastasis recti, you will most likely need two surgeons.
This is really a safety issue for you as the hernia may involve your intestines requiring the skills of a general surgeon. Then, your plastic surgeon can help with the tummy tuck.
It may take some extra prep time for you, but it is well worth the effort to have two surgeons in your operation. (Jeffrey E. Schreiber, MD, FACS, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Diastasis recti repair with a hernia
This issue has been addressed by the previous posters very well. You should consider a surgical team approach to your surgery with a general surgeon + plastic surgeon. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Hernia with diastasis
There are two separate issues that may or may not be combined into one procedure. First, the umbilical hernia could be a medically necessary procedure in that fat or bowel can protrude through a true hernia and cause serious pain or problems. This can be corrected by a general surgeon or a plastic surgeon.
The other issue is cosmetic even though it might be related, as might the hernia, to your pregnancy. It is helpful to look at this as an elective procedure because you might or might be a reasonable candidate for a cosmetic procedure at the time you fix the hernia. It is best to be in as optimal fitness as possible going into body-contouring procedures.
If you are not, your cosmetic surgery may or may not be the appropriate one, may not be predictable, and may not be long-lasting. If you are over-weight and untoned, it might be advantageous for you to fet as fit as possible before any abdominoplasty or liposuction. Whether or not you can or need to wait on your hernia repair depends on the nature of the hernia. Bottomline, if you need the hernia repaired, and you are a reasonable candidate for an abdominoplasty, you can have both done simultaneously by a plastic surgeon. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Hernia repair can be performed at the same time as a tummy tuck
Hernia repair can, and very often is, done at the same time as a tummy tuck procedure. Larger repairs may be more difficult however causing greater concern with the blood supply to the belly button.
Many people do have umbilical (belly button) hernias and I often repair these during their elective procedure. (David Rankin, MD, Jupiter Plastic Surgeon)
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck procedure
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck picture
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck pic
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck operation
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck in one surgery
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck image
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck at the same time
- Hernia surgery and tummy tuck abdominoplasty
Tummy tuck, muscle repair and umbilical hernia repair.
Generally when a tummy tuck is performed the belly button is left attached to the muscle by a stalk which contains its blood supply. An umbilical hernia can interfere with this stalk and it can be impossible to leave the belly button attached to its blood supply. This results in death (necrosis) of the belly button. Occasionally, the hernia is repaired from inside the abdomen with a scope; this is a procedure that is not commonly performed by plastic surgeons. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)