Hour glass tummy tuck
This is an example of the hour glass tummy tuck. This patient is only 6 days postop. The sutures are dissolvable that’s why you see irregularity at the incision which will smooth out over six weeks. The patient needed only one drain. No pain and the abdomen was flattened and waistline drawn in. No lipo was performed. Only this tuck which I invented 16 years ago

Three months post of from an Hour Glass Tuck. Third example No lipo was performed on any of these examples
Looks awesome.
This is another patient again six days out today. I hope no one offended by pic
Just giving examples so people can compare. Both examples of Hour Glass Tuck
So wat if I jus get a extended panni. Do you have PICS of those..im not getting muscle repair. Dr. Michael Gray would it still look gud..
Excellent pics also
I want this and how much put in my inbox. And I dont mind traveln.
A mini tuck or panniculectomy would be indicated to tighten skin from belly button down. There is no such thing as am extended panniculectomy. The problem with mini tucks or panniculectomy is that if you have too much skin your scar would be too high. There is no pain with the hour glass tuck and the muscles are not touched during this procedure. The abdomen is flattened with a no muscle technique. That’s why these patients have no pain
The cost ranges from 3800 to 4200 I own the facility ( a real out patient surgicenter ) so I don’t charge my patients a facility fee. Anesthesia is separate. I believe they charge 600. Not 100% sure of their fee but I’m sure it’s close. My office number is 248-538-3333
Thank you sooo much for joining the group, I could never of dreamed we would actually have a surgeon join and show pics give information, advice etc. so thank you so so much Michael W. Gray you have made my day
Thanks Susie. Very sweet. I feel that if anyone is asking questions the answers should come from a surgeon who does this for a living. My only concern is that patients try to realize that a tummy tuck is not the same. My tucks are much different.
They look fantastic and feminine. Any advice is priceless when your wanting to get surgery done but also scared and don’t know what’s involved etc. loving your input.
Three months post of from an Hour Glass Tuck. Third example No lipo was performed on any of these examples
Thanks Susie. I don’t always check but I will look for questions if posted
Awesome thanks Dr Michael I will be contacting your office.
Hi doc if I was to come from Ireland were around ur clinic could I stay and how long would I need to stay for.
There are many hotels and motels here. My office handles all this and can help you look into best place. My office email is
[email protected]
If you wish to speak to my staff the number is 248-538-3333
If your family doc is willing to remover your drains with my direction you can leave earlier. The drains can stay in two weeks depending on the amount of fluid you produce under the skin that mad lifted. Everyone is different. If you wish me to handle the drains ( preferable to me ) I would say two weeks
Where you locate Michael
Dr. Can rhe hour glass have muscle repair and also lipo?
That looks great. .omg
I am located West Bloomfield,Michigan
When I do the hour glass touch yes I do repair “muscles” but the muscle is not what is repaired when we do tucks. If the muscle was the issue sit ups would would. Without going into the secrets of the procedure for your understanding the ” muscles ” are repaired and the flatness that is achieved is greater than any other tummy tuck. The Hour Glass Tuck also pulls your waist inward like an “Hour Glass”. If you wish to simulate what flatness I can achieve, then just suck your stomach in as far as you can and I can achieve as much as that. In regards to liposuction: you can do lipo on any part of your body except the abdomen at the same time as a Tummy Tuck. Why? Because in the many thousands of years of medicine we learnt a lot. If you do lipo on the abdomen at the same time as a Tummy Tuck it can increase the risk your skin can die. So patients don’t need to be put at risk. When I do lipo I am very aggressive to do what I would want for me or if it was for my daughter. Patients who have lipo on the abdomen at the same time as a tummy tuck will be at risk for skin death or an inadequate lipo. Lipo on abdomen can be done before or after a Tummy Tuck. When doing mini tucks patient’s can do lipo safely with the mini tuck on the abdomen
Thanks Lakesis
I would love to do my tummy tuck surgery with u but am finding the cost ridiculous from Ireland. Don’t suppose pro bono would be an option.
What is cost of flight?
It’s working out at like 612 one way. Not including return flight and accom. Guess the Irish ain’t so lucky after all
lol no your lucky
Ha thanks for the faith micheal. Listen I would urge anyone with the money to get your tt with this man.
Thanks its an amazing tuck
Hello Doc, how many different tucks are there? I thought all tummy tucks are just the same.
They are not the same. The person doing the tuck is most important as the chef making your food. If you go to anewyou.com and look at my tummy tuck section you will see more info
Mini tuck- tightens skin from Belly button down. Mini tuck has no access to flatten abdominal wall ( lipo on abdomen can be done with mini tucks )
Tummy tuck tightens skin from ribs down (tummy tucks can be done with flattening abdominal wall or without)
Traditional Tummy tuck
Hour Glass Tuck
CombiTuck does not exist. That’s doing lipo on your tummy at same time as a tummy tuck which then increases risks of skin death and patient death too. Doing lipo on the abdomen with a tummy tuck is contraindicated in medicine. Must be fine at different times. If a physician does lipo on abdomen with a tummy tuck he does very little lipo if smart ( which is an inadequate lipo ) and he wants your money more than your welfare
Thanks a lot for the info, will check out the site.
Great job. Especially on belly button.
Thanks Tay
Has one drain on right still in. She is doing great
I Have a question I have hypoglycemia a I want to get a tummy tuck but I’m scared because of my hypoglycemia what would happen if my blood sugar levels drop will I’m having surgery?
Hi Jessica Proano we monitor your sugar the entire case. Also we can give you sugar in your Iv
I would like to have a tt but so afraid of surgery. How long is the process and why do her breast look different sizes?
I did a tummy tuck on her. You can ask God re her breasts. Not everyone has perfect or symmetrical breast
The tuck length is based upon how much work is needed. Most hour glass tucks take 1 1/2 hours max
Do you have to lose the weight in order for a good effective tummy tuck?
No fat has nothing to do with removing extra skin