How to lose weight before tummy tuck?

Hi Everyone, thank you for accepting me. I am a mum of 2 beautiful kids but after 3 pregnancys (my first son passed away) and 3 C sections my tummy is a mess. The time has come for me to get my body back and have decided to go and have a tummy tuck done. I have seen one surgeon in melb and i need to drop about 10 kilos. So i have started working on that but in the mean time i wanted to join this group to get ideas about surgeons and i guess just get support. I look forward to all the stories and getting to know you all… many thanks


  1. Tracy says:

    Glad to have you and please feel free to ask any questions and we look forward to sharing your journey. You’ll shed that 10 kilos fairly quickly I should imagine, especially when you have a good goal to aim for!!

  2. Shalako says:

    That’s awesome Hun!! Firstly welcome:). I just had my TT 16 days ago and it was the best decision

  3. Steph says:


    I’m 14weeks po tummy tuck and I love my results, you will shed those kgs pretty quick I look forward to following your journey

  4. Patricia says:

    Thank you for the nice welcome so exciting seeing the before & after tummy tuck pics.. makes me so motivated to drop the kilos and get it done.

  5. Lucy says:

    Welcome, this page is awesome. I’m 4wks post op. Look forward to watching your progress. Having a tummy tuck is the best thing I’ve done.