How to reduce swelling after tummy tuck

Persistent swelling after tummy tuck and liposuction can be frustrating. Some people feel great after surgery and are eager to show off their new physique and push themselves a little too hard. I know some of my patients experience swelling when they don’t rest as instructed. Follow your doctor’s orders and keep your plastic surgeon informed about your concerns. You may also wish you document your swelling with photographs so you and your doctor can see if you are improving day by day.

It is important to first determine what is causing the swelling after this procedure.Sometimes fluid accumulations occur in the space between the fat layer and the muscle layer.If your surgeon diagnoses his fluid collection otherwise known as a seroma, it is helpful to remove this fluid with a needle and syringe.Swelling caused by a seroma has immediate improvement when the fluid is removed.If the swelling comes on abruptly then it may be due to bleeding in the layer between the fat and the muscle.If this is thought to be the cause of the swelling, then it will probably be necessary to return to surgery, open the area and wash out the accumulated blood.

How reduce swelling after tummy tuck

Most of the time however, swelling after a tummy tuck is a result of fluid still trapped in the fat layer.Some people take longer to lose this swelling than others.

If you have swelling that is thought to be confined in the fat layer, it is helpful to continue to wear your compression garment and follow the directions of your surgeon.

I find that recovery from swelling after a tummy tuck surgery typically takes 4-6 weeks for 80-90% of it to resolve. As it goes down, the location of the swelling is dependent upon gravity. Usually, swelling goes away in the upper abdomen first and goes away last along the incision. This can be longer for bariatric (significant weight loss) patients, patients with a history of high blood pressure or cardiac disease, and for combination surgeries (such as Mommy Makeover).

About 3 months after surgery, I usually find that the tissues will begin to tighten up due to the contraction of subcutaneous fibers (septae). This is stimulated by resistance training and will continue to tighten for up to a year.

How to reduce swelling after abdominoplasty

If you have persistent swelling for longer than described, you should see your surgeon to rule out any complications, such as a seroma or failure of a diastasis recti repair.

Swelling occurs after any surgery and is greater for larger more extensive surgeries. It is a normal response to your body healing and can be minimized by compression garments, drains, activity restrictions and low salt and water intake with high protein intake. Excessive swelling can be from a blood collection or hematoma, reaction to hemosiderin if extensive bruising, or if in an extremity could be a blood clot with its risk of embolism and you should be seen by your plastic surgeon (blood clots are a higher risk in multiple procedures that take longer than 3 hours particularly in smokers or those on birth control).

How to reduce swelling after tummy tuck image

Most swelling resolves by 6 weeks, sensation may take longer depending on how much skin undermining was done (usually less with liposuction to preserve the nerves and lymphatics). Some patients have a permanent patch of numbness above the scar in the mid-line similar to a c section.

Swelling is very common after a tummy tuck. Your compression garment is designed to help ease the swelling. You can help as well by drinking plenty of fluids and going to the washroom regularly.

It is also important to not lie around in bed all day. You should leisurely walk around to keep your circulation going. please don’t over exert yourself as this can make swelling worse.

How to reduce swelling tummy tuck

Usually most patients start to see most of swelling subside after the first 6 weeks post surgery. After this time the remaining swelling is a combination of your body healing from the inside out and you level of activities, it could even swell more when you eat foods high in sodium. Your body needs to heal at its own pace, try to take it easy not to over do things, your body will react to too much activity. Also try warm baths everyday or even a jacuzzi or a hot tub everyday. A warm compress several times a day can help as well. The best thing you can do is give your body time to heal the swelling is usually gone in six months post surgery, but even with swelling you should already see good results.

Wearing compression garments and reducing activity level is the most important steps that you can take to minimize swelling after a tummy tuck. Also, reducing salt intake can help.