Most surgeons, including myself, perform some liposuction in combination with the tummy tuck procedure.
The entire abdomen is usually not suctioned though, because excessive suctioning at the time of the tummy tuck can cause wound healing problems.
If the entire abdomen could really use suctioning, you could have staged procedures where an additional liposuction procedure is performed several months after your tummy tuck. (David Cangello, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Combined Surgical Procedures
In many cases, having a Tummy Tuck in addition to Liposuction of hips, thighs, and flanks works well.
This is determined by your medical history, and recommendation of your Plastic Surgeon. Follow your surgeon’s post operative instructions for your best result. (Robert E. Zaworski, MD)
Liposuction with a tummy tuck
Liposuction can certainly performed together with a tummy tuck. They can be very complimentary and enhance the results of each.
Certainly there are safety limits but if you go to well qualified plastic surgeon he/she can better advise you. (Ronald Schuster, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
In my past, I have combined the two. You get a better result without much additional complication rate. It is less expensive this way, and reduces your recovery time. (Thomas A. Narsete, MD, Greenwood Village Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction and Tummy Tuck Together ?
If you need liposuction in one of those areas, it makes sense to do it at the time of your tummy tuck. It will save time off work, and probably be associated with lower overall fees. The precise answer will best come during a consultation. All the best. (Jourdan Gottlieb, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Not safe to do a lot of liposuction together with tummy tuck.
1) You are talking about liposuction of other areas (not just the abdomen). As you can see there are different opinions.
2) We routinely do liposuction of the flanks (love handles) together with tummy tuck. With other areas, I think one needs to individualize, because the risk of blood clots can increase. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired)
Combining Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Together
In most cases, we can get the best overall contour improvement by doing liposuction at the same time as a tummy tuck. This allows a proportional change in body shape rather than simply treating one area at a time.
Additionally, the recovery time is not much (if any) longer if you add liposuction. It is important however to plan combined procedures to limit the surgical risk, especially in patients with medical issues. Please discuss your options with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. (Lawrence Iteld, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)