Losing weight after a tummy tuck

Weight loss after tummy tuck and resulting skin tone

Without examining you, it is difficult to say whether a 30 lb. weight loss after a tummy tuck will result in significant flabby skin.

Much would depend on your present skin tone and the location of the fat/weight loss.

Please be sure to discuss this issue with your surgeon prior to your tummy tuck and follow their recommendations. (Vincent D. Lepore, MD, San Jose Plastic Surgeon)

Lose weight before or after tummy tuck?

Losing weight after a tummy tuck image

My experience is that patients do not lose weight after tummy tuck. You will be relatively anorexic from narcotics for a while, and surgical site pain will displace hunger.

Your scale weight will increase after surgery from retained fluid and swelling. You will not exercise for at least 4-6 weeks. As swelling, pain, and stiffness resolve, you become more active, and find yourself behind in all aspects of your life put on hold for surgery and recovery.

These affairs are urgently resumed, including care for family, career, loose ends, unfinished business, etc. Having been absorbed in self care for weeks, you now care for others, and your disciplined diet and exercise regimen are forgotten. Your body is now slimmer, so the need for weight loss seems mitigated. Pounds insidiously accrue. If you’re serious about losing weight, do it BEFORE tummy tuck. Your result will be better, and your life will be better. (Steve Laverson, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Weight loss after tummy tuck

Losing weight after a tummy tuck surgery

If you need to lose 30 lbs and you had a tummy tuck, the likelihood is that your skin will get looser. Just think of a balloon that loses air. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Yes, weight loss of 20 pounds or more can leave excess skin laxity after a tummy tuck. To be sure, see two or more board-certified plastic surgeons in your area for a full and complete evaluation to make sure you are a good candidate and that it is safe for you to have surgery. (J. Jason Wendel, MD, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

Will losing weight after a tummy tuck affect the results ?

Losing weight after a tummy tuck photo

Its unlikely that losing 30 lbs will have a profound effect on your tummy in terms of creating additional saggy skin, but its impossible to tell without knowing more about your current state – factors that will contribute to this will include your overall skin quality, your height, current weight, and fat distribution. If you have serious concerns regarding losing more weight after surgery, I would recommend discussing them with your surgeon prior to your schedule procedure. (Glenn Vallecillos, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Losing weight after tummy tuck

If you are planning on and able to lose 30 pounds, i strongly recommend that you do that before the tummy tuck and also wait a period of time to see if you can maintain that new weight. if you can, I would then recommend the tummy tuck. losing or gaining a small amount of weight after a tummy tuck is not a big problem, but a 30 pound weight loss could be significant and i think you should wait. (Antoine A. Hallak, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

The losing weight after a tummy tuck

If you have stated a goal of losing 30 pounds after surgery, your are probably not an ideal candidate for the tummy tuck, or at least not at this time. There are situation where tummy tucks can be considered to “kick start” a weight reduction process in the case of a panniculus that impends exercise. Ideally you should have attained a healthy and stable lifestyle prior to body contouring procedures. Surgery that is inappropriately timed may increase overall operative risk or lead to a result that is not optimal or is not long-lasting. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)