Low scar tummy tuck
Usually when we perform a tummy tuck the skin extending from just below the c-section scar to just above the umbilicus (belly button) is removed and the resultant scar sits at the level of the original c-section scar.
This way it is hidden under a bikini or underpant. To see photos and learn more be sure to visit our site. (Marc Schneider, MD, Fort Myers Plastic Surgeon)
Tumy tuck scar location
A tummy tuck would certainly of benefit to you. The degree of tightness depends on how the skin, fat and abdominal wall are addressed. Placing the the horizontal incision at the level of your c section scar would definitely be possible and desirable.
However, because your belly button is high and your degree of skin laxity not severe, a small central vertical component may be necessary to avoid undue tension on the closure. (David A. Bottger, MD, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck scar
There is some variability as to the level of the scar placement. Most often the previous C-section scar can be removed keeping the scar very low.
You should express your concerns to your plastic surgeon at the time of consultation, but there is no reason why you can’t have curves, a flat stomach that looks natural and a low scar. You seem to be the ideal candidate for this operation. (Elan B. Singer, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy tuck with a low scar, not too tight
The tummy tuck scar is kept low at or just below the typical C-section level so that the scar is easily concealed below the underpant or bikini line. The tightness is easily controlled according to the laxity present as the skin excess is advanced downward.
Most often the skin removed extends from the belly button down to the C-section. If the skin excess is less, the opening for the ‘old’ belly button may not reach all the way down, and a small vertical scar is left very low on the abdomen.
If the surgeon increases the tension to pull the skin all the way the abdomen can be excessively tight and the scar can ride up above the bikini line pulling the pubic area up with it.
Be clear with your surgeon what your goals are to keep your scar low. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Where to put the tummy tuck scar…
I plan the scar with the patient involved. She will bring a bikini bottom or underwear which she wants the scar to be hidden by. I try to remove the old C-section scar, unless it is really low. The most important part which must be kept low is the lateral part, which some surgeons plan to be too high. (Victor Au, MD, Chapel Hill Plastic Surgeon)
Tummy Tuck Scar Usually Placed in C-section Scar
In patients who have previously undergone C-sections and are having tummy tucks, it is common to try to place the scar in the same location. I cannot tell you for certain without an examination, but you appear to have sufficient excess skin that this could be done in your case. This would, however, significantly flatten your abdomen. (John Whitt, MD (retired), Louisville Plastic Surgeon)