Male tummy tuck

Not only women, but men are turning to plastic surgery for a tummy tuck. Chest and abdomen are important elements for the male body. Men seek to resolve problems associated with the “belly” and “overweight.”

Men’s clothing can be fashionable, haircut can be stylish , perfume can be extravagant, but if, instead of the abdominals will be a big “fatty apron” – this “outstanding” item will not add points to the image of man. Male figure – an inverted triangle: broad shoulders and narrow hips, which do not change their size, if a man getting fatter.

Extra pounds are collected in one place – the stomach. It is not easy to get rid of it. What to do if strict diet, regular and grueling physical training does not produce the desired result? The most effective way to do stomach beautiful, smooth and flat – male tummy tuck. You will be able to acquire new, most natural, extremely harmonious shapes and contours of the body, get rid of excess skin, fat and restore muscle corset.

Male tummy tuck medical reasons

  • Excess skin on the abdomen, which can not be removed through diet and exercise.
  • Unsightly scars in the lower abdomen.
  • Skin fold of loose skin after a dramatic weight loss in the stomach.
  • Changing the shape of the abdomen due to the formation of overhanging folds in the lower part (effect of the apron).
  • Omission of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • The presence of expressed stretch in excess abdominal skin.
  • Laxity, overstretching the muscles and skin.
  • The discrepancy between the rectus abdominis.
  • Excess of sagging skin on the abdomen, stretching around the navel.
  • Large saggy belly, it is impossible to perform liposuction due to the loss of elasticity and firmness.

Big belly is divided into male and female. They are formed in different ways. In men fat is stored mainly inside the abdominal cavity (in greater omentum and mesentery of the intestine).

Subcutaneous fat also increases in volume. Each person has a target zone in which excess fatty tissue is deposited.

Women get fat by type of of pear, and the men by the type of apple, mainly in the abdomen, and very rarely in the hips.

At what age should you do male tummy tuck?

The average age when they begin to do tummy tuck is 30-40 years. If you are over 40, and the above-mentioned reasons deliver moral discomfort and physical suffering, male abdominoplasty may be the only right decision. Necessary condition – the choice of an experienced surgeon.

Features of a tummy tuck for men

After male tummy tuck

Men breathe by belly. This feature leads to the fact that many young men after 25-30 years of age have markedly bulging belly. The front wall relaxes over the years, it becomes thinner and the fat “cushion” forms under it.

Deposition of fat in the lower third of the abdomen is characteristic of the male body (obese male pattern).

When deciding which type of surgery is to recommend to the patient, the surgeon takes into account the overall health, quality of skin, fat layer thickness and condition of the abdominal muscles.

Some studies show that low concentrations of testosterone (T) is preceded obesity. T-deficiency leads to an increased accumulation of fat in the subcutaneous, intramuscular and abdominal layer.

Deformed stomach may cause functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and others. Therefore male tummy tuck can be regarded as functional and aesthetic surgery.

Male tummy tuck contraindications

Severe internal diseases, infectious diseases, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, a bleeding disorder, uncontrolled high blood pressure, uncorrected pulmonary insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, total loss of skin elasticity, propensity to excessive scarring (keloid scars), thyroid disease, accompanied by its hyperfunction, age less than 18 years old, severe obesity.


General combined. May be spinal or epidural (if indicated).

Male tummy tuck surgery

Male tummy tuck pictures

Duration is 1.5-3.5 hours. During surgery, the excess skin is removed, put in order (normalized) condition of muscles (plastic of muscular aponeurotic complex), adipose tissue is removed (minimizes the amount of the abdomen), formed (decreases) waist circumference. After the removal of excess skin and fat deposits and moving a skin graft  down, is formed a new umbilical opening into which navel fixed. Important stage – the  wound closure layer by layer.

Then are installed the tummy tuck drains, apply dressings, is put tight bandage. Underwear will hide the thin postoperative scar above the pubis. Scar around the displaced belly button is almost imperceptible. Technique of the male abdominoplasty is complex and individual, the characteristics of each surgery define additional surgical procedures.

Male tummy tuck photo

When expressed fat surpluses abdominoplasty is performed in conjunction with liposuction or liposculpture. During surgery can eliminate hernias (umbilical, inguinal, postoperative), as well as eliminate the discrepancy recti.

Men’s partial tummy tuck

The surgeon removes the excess skin of the anterior abdominal wall without moving the navel. Sometimes this surgery is combined with liposuction or liposculpture.

Abdominoplasty surgery is not for the treatment of obesity and weight reduction. Before you do it, you need to find out the causes of obesity and the use of all methods of weight loss. If surgery is performed at the maximum weight, its result after weight loss may not be sufficient, because the excess skin again formed.

The postoperative period

After male tummy tuck surgery

Inpatient treatment for 2-4 days. Swelling and bruising may persist for 3-4 weeks. Sutures are removed on day 10-14. Limitation of physical activity 1-2 months. Wearing compression hosiery for 1.5-2 months. The density of the scar and its color change within 5-6 months. To speed up the healing of tissues need to strictly comply with all the recommendations of the surgeon, diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Complete healing of all layers of surgical wounds after 4-8 weeks.

Complications and risks after male tummy tuck

Infection of the seam (in patients with low immunity). Temporary violation of the sensitivity of the skin, over the last month is completely restored. In the case of the formation of subcutaneous hematoma and and congeries of lymph, drainage is installed or removes liquid with a syringe. The risk of developing these complications is increased in patients who smoke. If in area of ​​the abdominoplasty already were surgeries and there available postoperative scars, then may increased the risk of violation of the edges of the skin wound. In this case, additionally is dermepenthesis. Too early activity of the patient can lead to a broad and rough scar.