Mini tummy tuck uk

Since the majority of your muscle laxity and loose skin is belly button and below you should be a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck uk.

However, if the an exam showed loose muscle above the belly button, a full tummy tuck would be recommended. (Joseph W. Aguiar, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

You seem to be a good candidate for a mini abdominoplasty or mini tummy tuck uk procedure.

Few patients are good candidate for this operation, however, you seem to be very fit with laxity of your abdominal muscles making you a good candidate for this procedure. (Kevin Tehrani, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Mini tummy tuck in UK

Mini tummy tuck surgery uk photo

It appears that your main problem is muscle stretching with minimal excess fat and moderate excess skin. These provide appropriate conditions for a mini tummy tuck. You would get an even better result with a full tummy tuck because more skin can be removed but the trade off is a larger scar and a scar around the belly button. (John P. Stratis, MD, Harrisburg Plastic Surgeon)

Mini Tummy Tuck UK Candidate

Mini tummy tuck uk scar

You are an excellent candidate for a mini-tummy tuck uk. This procedure typically consists of a small amount of lipo for contouring, a short scar for skin removal and lower/lower and upper muscle tightening.

In your case upper muscle tightening in addition to lower would give you a better result. You should do quite well as you are an ideal candidate for this procedure. (Robert F. Centeno, MD, FACS, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)

Your case seems to have a good indication of a Mini Tummy Tuck and a Liposuction (to enhance your feminine silhouette by treating your flanks and lower back). A complete Tummy Tuck seems a bit too much for your case (at least by photographic evaluation). (Luis A. Fernandez Goico, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)