Multiple Surgeries

I don’t believe in combining too many operations. A tummy tuck and breast implants is OK, but any more, i would discourage.

The others should be done separately, because you may need full use of your arms for the thigh lift.

Getting back to a regular work-out schedule will take anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months. (Shahin Javaheri, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Unless you are using a team of plastic surgeons and desire blood transfusions. Recovery from just a full tummy tuck upto 3 weeks. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Too much cosmetic surgery in one day

Multiple Surgeries gallery

Quite frankly, you are biting off way more than you can safely do in one day and this increases your risk of not surviving the surgery. You need to break this down into several operations. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Multiple procedures

I think a staged approach is best. one thing to keep in mind, is that there is often some loosening of the skin after surgery in patients who have had massive weight loss.

The elasticity isn’t the same. A staged approach allows for re-tightening if necessary, and shorter operative times have a lower risk of complications such as blood clots, or infection. (David A. Lickstein, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Multiple procedures after weight loss

Multiple Surgeries photo

It is very commen in massive weight loss patient to do multiple procedures. Since the procedure that will kepp you from your job the longest will be the abdominoplasty it is reasonable to do all the procedures together. This will limit your total downtime. You should know that as the number of procedures doen at one time increases, the complication rate increases. You should always go to an experienced plastic surgeon who does this often. He/she will be able to give you the best judgement regarding what to do, when. (John P. Stratis, MD, Harrisburg Plastic Surgeon)

Multiple Surgeries after Massive Weight Loss

Multiple Surgeries photos

I too congratulate you on your wonderful weight loss. I feel that it would be safer to have your procedures performed in two stages, since performing a tummy tuck, augmentation, thigh lift, and brachioplasty in a single stage would be a very long procedure with a definite increase in risks.

I feel that you can decide depending upon your priorities which 2 procedures to have performed first. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)

Scheduling and order of plastic surgery following massive weight loss.

These are multiple procedures and the combination is rarely performed together unless their are multiple surgeons and/or in a few select centers across the USA. I would probably advise and lower/upper approach with the tummy/thighs first and the breast/arms second. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)