Natural tummy tuck

Natural tummy tuck – Mini of Full

Looking at your photos reveals both loose skin and a diastasis (stretching of the abdominal facia) well above the belly button.

In addition your belly button has lost its youthful pre-pregnancy appearance.

Therefore, you will benefit from a full Tummy Tuck. Mini and Modified Tummy Tuck are for individuals with issues at or below the level of the belly button.

Expect to pay around $8000, though it can vary greatly. (Brian Reedy, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction, Mini Tummy Tuck or Full Tummy Tuck?

Natural tummy tuck operation

Short scar full tummy tuck with muscle repair. Fee range from $6,000 to $10,000 in metro NYC. Seek some additional in person opinions. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Full tummy tuck?

Best solely on your history and the few photos posted, it looks like you may be a good candidate for a full natural tummy tuck. This would remove a lot of loose skin and tighten the muscles. (Steven Wallach, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

What procedure for abdomen?

Natural tummy tuck belly

Natural tummy tuck surgery

The photos suggest that your optimum result will be achieved by a full natural tummy tuck. The lesser procedures will give you lesser results. Your anatomy should do very well and have nice results with the tummy tuck.

Having dark complected skin realize that you may be at an increased risk for thicker scars and you must be willing to accept the longer scar of an abdominoplasty for the trade of a much better shape. (Brian J. Lee, MD, Fort Wayne)

Tummy Tuck vs. Liposuction

From your photos, you should only do a full abdominoplasty (Natural tummy tuck). Liposuction is only good for removal of fat under the skin and you have a stretched abdominal wall and skin. A mini tummy tuck will not address the skin above the belly button.

Natural tummy tuck candidate

A full tummy tuck will tighten the muscles and remove all of the damaged skin from the pubis to the belly button. You should have a great result from this surgery. (Martin O’ Toole, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Full Natural Tummy Tuck, Mini-Tummy Tuck, or Liposuction?

A full natural tummy tuck would give you the best aesthetic result. Your photos show loose skin in the lower and middle portion of your abdomen, as well as an overly rounded shape. Both are probably related to your pregnancies. Even though you have done a great job in returning to your pre-pregnancy weight, liposuction or a mini-tummy tuck will give you a shorter scar, but not a great result. Good luck! (Mark Schwartz, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)