No drain tummy tuck

Are drains needed in tummy tuck

We do not use drains and there are published studies in support of not using a drain after tummy tuck.

As you can see on this site surgeons will vary in their approach and another consultation or two may help you. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Drains following tummy tuck

Plastic surgeons may offer different opinions on the use of drains following tummy tuck. I personally believe they are advantageous and use them on my patients for 3-5 days post operatively.

Drains help prevent seroma collections and when there is a large, freshly operated field, this allows the flaps to adhere better following surgery. (Christopher J. Morea, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

The no drain tummy tuck

Drains don’t have to be used for tummy tuck

Different surgeons use different techniques for tummy tuck. I have used a no drain technique for ten years now and have had excellent results. My patients definitely prefer not having drains after surgery. (James M. Platis, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Are drains absolutely necessary?

Don’t stress out over the drains. I use drains for the first few days following the tummy tuck ,as they are extremely helpful in avoiding post operative fluid collection. Consult with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for an exam, and to discuss your concerns and expectations. (Robert E. Zaworski, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

No drain tummy tuck surgery

Most doctors, but not all, use them. If the thought of a drain is enough to keep you from having the surgery and all its benefits, I think you may not be ready for the procedure from an emotional level. (Ronald V. DeMars, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

Drains are frustrating but sometimes necessary

Thanks for your question. I usually place one drain with TTs. I also use progressive tension sutures. I feel like I get less swelling and bruising and a quicker recovery this way. I feel like some surgeons use the no drain technique as marketing. The drain is a hassle but usually it is out after 3-5 days. (M. Scott Haydon, MD, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

No drain tummy tuck operation

No drain tummy tuck

In many cases, drains can be avoided during abdominoplasty. Progressive tension sutures can be used during surgery to close the space created between the skin-fat layer and the muscle-fascia layer as opposed to placing drains in this space. There are several studies that even report that seroma (a collection of fluid in this space) rates are lower with progressive tension sutures compared to drains. Contrary to what many people believe, drains do NOT prevent seromas.

However, drains are a source of anxiety for patients undergoing a tummy tuck and can cause discomfort or at least are annoying. Personally, I do not routinely use drains and instead perform progressive tension sutures. You would benefit from seeking several opinions from board certified plastic surgeons as the approach to tummy tuck varies greatly, including the use of drains.

Additionally, my own experience is that patients have a very high level of satisfaction after abdominoplasty surgery – so maybe you just haven’t found the plastic surgeon that is right for you. (Jamil Ahmad, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)