One week post op tummy tuck. Swelling after tummy tuck
One week post op tummy tuck and lipo. Looking at everyone else’s photos on here and wondering why my belly button looks like a butt crack? Has anyone else’s looked like this? Praying that once the swelling goes down it will look better. Yes I am bruised as all get out!

swelling after tummy tuck
You just look super swollen, I’d give it some time. Your incision looks amazing though!
Oh yeah your belly button is different looking mine looks like flower hehehe…but your tummy tuck scar is not that bad though…It will be looking normal soon
Dr said that we can always do a revision if it doesn’t get better. Keeping my fingers crossed that it does.
I’m scared to pull the yellow gauze off my belly button
It is a lil painful for a second or two. I
I’ve still got my stitches in my belly button and covered in dressing still along my scars. ..I’m 11 days today ..have another nurse visit tomorrow and hopefully be allowed to shower at long last
I hope you get to have your shower. It definitely makes makes one feel a lot better both physically and mentally.
Put a. Marble in it to round it out
I went to the hairdressers yesterday to have my hair washed ….bliss to be pampered …can’t wait till tomorrow and get the good to go …and see my belly button
Mine was too small to fit a marble inside, I used cotton
My dr said do not put anything in your new bb
I would be afraid to put a marble in there. I may loose it since it looks so bog. Lol
I’m 13 days post op and I’m swollen like that also and ur belly button looking like that from the garment squeezing it together .
Ouch! I had hernia surgery when I was 6 yo they made me a new belly button, it was always numb until my wls now I have feeling and it is sooooo deep. It looks like a butt crack too. I’m waiting for my skin removal on my tummy after it I will let you all know if it is shallower or still deep.
Oh yes how painful is your tummy tuck surgery?
Thanks Shanette, I hope you are right. I really do not wanna go under again to fix. But will if I have to. PLEASE Sherrie keep me posted. When are you having it done?
So way tmi so dont read if bothersome. I’ve been taking stool softeners the Last couple days. And I can feel it like right their! But its sp hard and so wide ots so hard for me to push, I’m about to like anally eff myself over here. Its making me so uncomfortable and making my stomach hurt. I should’ve been taking stool softeners daily but I missed that men earlier in the weeks. Please someone tell me it’ll get better soon. I’ve tale. 3-4 stool softeners on the past like 2 days and the outside of it is just feeling to wide and hard to push out and its hurting so bad! Making everything uncomfortable.
Just dig it out.
It gets better. But don’t stop taking the stool softener. I believe you can take more than 4 pills a day. I would do 4 for a single dose.
Try suppositories
the bottle says one to 3 a day. basically living off protein the last weeks doesn’t help any living off slimfast, powerade, water, juices slimfast usually once a day and sometimes if im low on energy 1/2 a premier protein drink and some 1/2 granola bars. Tracy Boner Wheeler that’s about to be my life. it hurts to stand, walk, sit, anything. and im home alone with the kiddos alone for another 30 min while their dad is at football. so much pain. ive barely eaten this week but way more than the week before, so im definitely about to start taking 1-2 a day this week to help. breakfast usually a slimfast, a I have 1/2 a meal for lunch or dinner. and a gator/power ade. that’s usually how it goes. no signs of hunger USUALLY, but sometimes. and no appetite.
Drink more water. You can get a stimulant like ex lax, but don’t take it more than necessary.
Make sure you keep hydrated. Dehydration can make constipation way worse!!! I was in your shoes earlier this week and all of a sudden I finally went and i was soooooo happy!