Pain after tummy tuck
Long Lasting Pain Medication
The medication is called Exparel and I have been using it for my cosmetic procedures since it’s FDA approval about 9 months ago. It has been a godsend for patients, reducing the use of narcotics greatly. My patient coordinator can give more information. (Brian Reedy, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)
Long Acting Local Anesthetic During Tummy Tuck
Exparel is a long acting local anesthetic (a sustained release version of bupivicaine) that may be used during a tummy tuck to decrease discomfort after surgery. It is not typically injected in to the muscle but rather the tissue around it. (Karol A. Gutowski, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Exparel for long lasting pain control with tummy tuck
The medication you are referring to is called Exparel, which I have found very useful with tummy tucks to minimize pain. It is a numbing agent not a narcotic medication and lasts up to 72 hours. It has been in use for about a year so many surgeons may not have heard about it yet. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Anesthetic Muscle Injection During Tummy Tuck
Naropin is the medication that I use to inject the muscle during a tummy tuck. It is safer than Marcaine and also lasts 24+ hours. I also use a muscle relaxant for a few days which is also helpful. (John Whitt, MD, Louisville Plastic Surgeon)
Marcaine or bupivacaine is the medication most commonly injected into the muscle fascia during a tummy tuck. It doesn’t quite last 72 hours. Pain pumps containing marcaine can be used but they are somewhat impractical. Marcaine with epinephrine should not be used as it can cause muscle atrophy. It is helpful in conjunction with postop pain medications. (Robert F. Centeno, MD, FACS, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)
Exparel is a 72 hour pain medication that more and more surgeons are using for abdominoplasty and other procedures. It works great and makes recovery much easier! I would speak with your surgeon about possibly using it! (Evan Sorokin, MD, Cherry Hill Plastic Surgeon)
- bupivacaine after tummy tuck
- bupivacaine pain abdominoplasty
- bupivacaine tummy tuck pain
- bupivacaine tummy tuck
- Marcaine after tummy tuck
- Marcaine for the pain after tummy tuck surgery
- Marcaine for the pain after tummy tuck
- Pain after tummy tuck operation Marcaine
Long lasting tummy tuck pain medication.
New medication called Exparel has been FDA approved for long-lasting pain relief that last up to 72 hours after injection. I routinely use this in lateral tension abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck) procedures with very good results. (Kevin Tehrani, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Longer Lasting Local Anesthesia Used during Tummy Tuck Surgery?
The medication that you are referring to is called Exparel. This medication is a longer-lasting version of the already widely used medication Bupivacaine. Exparel is reported to control pain for up to 72 hours. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)