Partial tummy tuck

After partial tummy tuck

Partial tummy tuck is also called a mini abdominoplasty. Surgery is performed in the lower abdomen (below the navel). It is more gentle in its effects than the full (or classical) tummy tuck. Partial tummy tuck does not involve moving the navel, carried incisions are smaller, and thus scars are not highly visible.

Partial tummy tuck has strict indications associated with excess soft tissue just below the navel, or with diastasis (stretching) of the muscles. Diastasis of muscles often happens after birth, when the mother was not able to recover its former elasticity of the skin and the muscle fibers. Sometimes, skin, stretched during pregnancy, forms hanging folds, so-called “skin apron”.

After tummy tuck partial

Cosmetology methods can not resolve this issue, since there is a clear excess of tissue. At the same time, if there is no obvious fat, enough to make lifting the lower abdomen to remove the aesthetic problem.

Plastic surgery known as a partial tummy tuck or mini abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck) may be carried out under local or full anesthesia, and usually lasts 1-2 hours. As can be seen from the title – a mini-tummy tuck – is not such a large surgery as a full tummy tuck, with less risk, smaller incisions, less scarring and recovery time, but not with such a noticeable effect, which has a full operation on the flabby skin and muscles of the abdominal wall. Sometimes it is done with tumescent liposuction and abdominal lipoplasty to improve the waist line and body contouring.

Partial tummy tuck procedure

Tummy tuck partial

Technique of partial abdominoplasty: the incision is made on the bikini line (so it will be hidden using the laundry). Next from the lower part of the abdominal wall removed excess skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue, and if necessary, lower abdominal muscles are tightened. Very often, surgery is combined with liposuction of the abdomen. Recent average surgery lasts from 1 to 2 hours and is carried out using local or general anesthesia.

Scar size varies greatly depending on whether with what data came patient. If there is a big fat folds in the sides – you have to do liposuction of these areas. If an area of skin tightening is a small, or  practically does not require excision of the skin – the incision is sometimes invisible.

Recovering after partial tummy tuck

Partial tummy tuck surgery

In the initial recovery period the patient wears a bandage or compression garment. Recovery times with partial tummy tuck – short, sometimes the patient to go home the next day after surgery. The rehabilitation period is 7-14 days. At this time, it is recommended to take a vacation.

It’s not just because you need less physical strain. You have to give the body a chance to fully activate regenerative resources. Any surgery – is stressful not only for the internal tissues of surgery, but also for the general processes in the body: immune, metabolic. You can, of course, to go to work by force.

Partial tummy tuck scar

But the overall weakness and discomfort in this case – clear signals that for the body should be given a chance to recover. Relaxed lifestyle and a healthy diet during the rehabilitation period is much faster produce an effect and in the future it will pay off handsomely.

Speaking of nutrition. Partial tummy plastic is not affected on the internal organs of abdominal region. However, in the recovery period you should pay attention to diet. Should be excluded salty, spicy, fried food. The first two weeks you better eat light food. Anything that makes the process of digestion (fatty meat, beans) at the same time causes the blood flow to the abdominal cavity, and this is highly undesirable.

Restrictions also apply to physical activity. If you exercise – will have to make a break for about 2 months. The same applies to any lifting weights. Finally, all the scars dissolve after about six months. Of course, the symptoms disappear much earlier, but physiologically scarring process lasts about 6 months. During this time, you need a few times to visit the doctor.

Partial abdominoplasty

Recovery after surgery usually takes 7-14 days. Most patients return to work within 1-2 weeks.

Partial against full tummy tuck

The difference between full and partial tummy tuck is that the mini-surgery is limited by the removal of excess skin and fat (and tightening the abdominal muscles) below the navel. While full tummy tuck not limited by this area and as a result is often necessary to move the belly button. Mini tummy tuck procedure located between the endoscopic abdominoplasty and dermolipectomy. With partial tummy tuck is made smaller incision navel is not moved, although it may take a rather unnatural position when the skin is pulled together and sutured.

The method of partial tummy tuck

Your plastic surgeon will remove the skin from the lower part of the abdominal wall, and then will pull together below the abdominal muscles. Many surgeons combine the procedure with liposuction of the abdomen. Mini tummy tuck surgery may vary considerably, depending on the state of the lower portion of the abdominal wall. But in some cases, patients can leave the hospital within an hour after surgery. At this case, special compression garment or bandage wear on the patient.

The risk of partial tummy tuck

Health risk behind the mini tummy tuck is not different from the risk that carries a full abdominoplasty, but this risk is much less, because the procedure is shorter and easier.